Page 33 - World Of Nurol Magazine-23
P. 33
75.000 m2 and has an indoor area to their qualifications in our proj- ity and high engineering levels.
of 17.000 m2. Our official capac- ects.
ity report states our production Which projects are you working
capacity to be 1.600 tonnes per What are major inland projects on right now?
month. However, we can only pro- you have completed? Among our ongoing projects are
duce as much as we are able to sell, Nurol Steel has more than a Steel Manufacturing and Erection
neither more nor less, although it hundred large and small domes- for Izmit Gulf Bridge –South Ap-
may be either more or less than tic contract references in various proach Viaduct Project which we run
the capacity stated above due to subjects. Steel and Conveyors of for Nurol Construction, Contraction
the sectoral characteristic I have Çayırhan TS (Thermal Power Plant), and Mounting Works of Grain Stor-
explained before. Our goal for this F16 Aircrafts Manufacturing Facili- age Facilities in Northern Iraq, Elec-
factory is not to produce more ties of TAI, New Terminal Buildings tric and Mechanical Installations and
each time, but to develop and use of Istanbul Atatürk and Ankara Steel Erections of Baghdad Sadr City
it to its full capacity with produc- Esenboğa Airports, HM Equipments Stadium, Construction Works and
tions which have higher unit prices and Cranes of Kürtün Dam and HES Hydro mechanical Manufacturing
and more characteristics. That is (Hydroelectric Power Plant), HM and Mounting Works for Paravani
why and bearing the importance Equipments of Yedisu, Yedigöl- HES in Georgia, Hydro mechanical
of sustainability in mind, I can Aksu, Demirciler, Seyrantepe, Dim, Manufacturing and Mounting Works
clearly reply to this question as Oşkan and Berkman HES, Oil Stor- for Beyhan HES which we carry out
“our capacity is sufficient”. How- age Tanks of Tüpraş İzmit Refinery, for Kalehan Energy.
ever, I would like to point out that Pumping Stations of Botaş BTC
the capacity figures I stated above Pipelines, ESP Rehabilitations of When you look back, do you
do not include the amount manu- Soma and Seyitömer TS Projects believe you have headed towards
factured in our field activities and can be mentioned among these your goals?
that we employ subcontractors references in terms of their finan- Although the profit has not
who have expertise in proportion cial importance as well as original- been reflected in our financial
Painting Facility