Page 32 - World Of Nurol Magazine-23
P. 32
TVC Stainless Vacum Chamber (Space Simulator)
As Nurol Steel Construction, ture and technology. Our long-term mounting. Therefore, our activi-
what are your short- and long- objective is, on the other hand, to ties are led by directorates of Pro-
term plans? continuously carry on being a pre- duction and Contracts which have
Markets we are active in as Nu- ferred and admired company for completely independent organi-
rol Steel are fed from the industrial high-level participation in major zations and staff from each other
investments of public and private industrial investment projects by and function as two different profit
sectors. Therefore, taking into ac- improving our corporate experience centres. Organizational frame of
count the vicious competition in and qualifications, and characteris- our company is completed by Ad-
the market considering the highly tic of being an enterprise that ac- ministration-Financing and Pro-
responsive and flexible dynamism cumulates, i.e. learns, knowledge. posal Making-Business Develop-
of our sector against the crises, We are oblivious of the fact that ment managers working under me
it can easily be figured out that achieving these plans is conditional in addition to these two directors.
there are quite many restrictions upon not only successfully com- Moreover, all of our Project Man-
on forward-looking planning and pleting all projects we take part in agements have structures similar
decision-making. That’s why our but also enhancing the resources to our aforementioned company
short- and long-term plans devel- of Nurol, that is to say, being self- organization, but they may have
op spontaneously with not many sufficient. We wouldn’t have their own site organizations size of
choices. To sum up, our short-term achieved this so far if we weren’t which may differ depending on the
plans depend mainly on our future on the right track. size of the contract we undertake.
projections generated by keeping a
close watch on developments that Can you please tell us about What about your factories? Can
occur in the country and the sector. your organizational structure? you tell us a little about them? In
These plans are limited and intend- There are two disciplines with particular, what is your capacity in
ed to keep our competitive power totally different characteristics terms of machine installations?
32 alive at all times by constantly up- in the fields of activity of Nurol Do you believe it to be sufficient?
Our factory is built on a plot of
dating our production infrastruc-
Steel: factory productions and field