Page 34 - World Of Nurol Magazine-23
P. 34


                                                                                          Berkman  Dam and HEPP Hydrolic Equipment
                  statements as much as we de-       brand” and we can never turn away   investors and final consumers. To
                  serve, it is true that we have paved   from as well as of our power, effi-  achieve this, we have adopted a
                  a lot of way towards our strategic   ciency and capabilities which en-  business development- and promo-
                  goals. As I stated before, the fact   able us to come through all works   tion-oriented  project  undertaking
                  that Nurol Steel is sought after by   we undertake. I can define the big-  policy and we still follow it.
                  foreign companies, in particular by   gest problem we encounter as “try-
                  those who want to cooperate, and   ing to explain to our employers that   Mainly in which countries do
                  that  Nurol  has  acquired  a  lot  of   some of the prices given due to   you seek after projects in the
                  reputation lately prove this asser-  fierce competition environment are   world market?
                  tion.  I  hope  the  progress  we  have   not sufficient to provide them with   Globalization is not just a showy
                  achieved yields more concrete re-  the quality required by the work or   word. Through many companies
                  sults in the near future.          requested by them”. The primary    we are in touch with from Japan to
                                                     reason for that is that our custom-  England, we get the opportunity to
                     What is the biggest obstacle    ers are not final consumers, but   take part in projects from all over
                  you have come across? What pre-    sellers. You can find optimism in   the world. We play it safe and can
                  cautions have you taken / will you   our statements that can assumed   be picky when taking risks thanks
                  take for that?                     to be almost naivety, but that’s just   a little to our experience and the
                      We don’t have any problems in   the way it goes. Therefore, one of   luxury of being ‘Nurol’.  That is to
     34           terms of “our product and service   the first decisions we  have  taken   say, we don’t look for projects in
                                                                                        countries; it is all about bilateral re-
                  quality” which makes Nurol Steel “a
                                                     was to aim at working for direct
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