Page 35 - World Of Nurol Magazine-23
P. 35
Beyhan HEPP Penstock Piping
lations and that can be set up any- hangers, bridges, sport facilities HES in Georgia, Turnkey Construc-
where in the world. We make price and hydro mechanical dam works. tion Works of Sulaymaniyah Grain
offers that we believe yield profit We have three ongoing projects Storage Facilities in Northern Iraq
for us and considering the payment abroad: Construction Works and and Electromechanical Installa-
guarantee in all countries provided Hydro mechanical Manufacturing tions and Steel Erections of Sadr
that it is safe. However, industrial and Mounting Works for Paravani City Stadium in Baghdad.
undertakings, our field of activity,
bear opportunities for us mostly in
“developing” countries, as you see.
Especially African, Middle East and
Asian countries come to the fore
in terms of their geographical po-
sitions. As a matter of course, it is
more likely and encouraging to deal
with markets in which Nurol has
done business before and about
which it has knowledge.
What are the foreign projects you
have completed and still work on?
Nurol Steel has successfully
completed projects in Russia, Turk-
menistan, Kazakhstan, Algeria,
Dubai, Qatar, Tajikistan and Georgia
regarding featured structural steel
buildings, factory, stadium, aircraft interview: Meral SARI CEYLAN