Page 30 - World Of Nurol Magazine-23
P. 30
of this objective, determined new equipment, machinery or system ing towards an objective which
positions and job definitions, ap- by means of technological level, has been determined and pursued
pointed relevant staff and reorga- and our field activities focus more by Nurol itself with the same high
nized the production infrastructure on electromechanical installations engineering capacity, experience,
of our factory. Thanks to support and industrial commitments rather sense of responsibility and con-
given by the executive boards of than structural steel erections. struction performance in the last
the holding and the company, al- five years as it was before. How-
though we are still referred to as Then, how can we define Nurol ever, it is aware that there are
“STEEL” today, the quality of goods Steel Enterprises today? multiple means for achieving this
we manufacture is at the level of Nurol Steel has been proceed- objective as required by the condi-
tions of the period and that these
means are of dynamic nature. That
is not only the most important but
maybe the only difference between
how Nurol Steel was before I took
up the position and how it is today.
Another point I would like to
make note of is that Nurol Steel
completed a major and prestigious
supporting steel project in Qatar
right around the time I joined the
Nurol family. Through this project,
Nurol Steel invested in a mod-
ern facility with the manufactur-
ing capacity of over 1.500 tonnes
30 per month in one shift in order to
Manufacturing Facility, Kazan be able to have more competitive