Page 42 - World Of Nurol Magazine-27
P. 42

What is the total number of personnel
                presently employed in the project? What   “Ayrıca,
                was the maximum number? What will this   Türkiye’de
                number be approximately when the project
                is completed?                           başka bir örneği
                                                        olmayan Otoyol
                In line with the July 2016 data, approximately
                7.000  personnel  are  employed  in  Gebze-  ve Körfez
                Orhangazi-İzmir Motorway (including İzmit   Köprüsü’nün
                Bay Crossing Bridge and Connection Roads)
                Project. When Phase I and Phase IIA     teknolojik
                construction stages were being implemented   ve tarihsel
                together  (taking  into  account  the  period
                when the suspension bridge construction   detaylarını
                works  were  also  intensive),  we  can  say   ortaya koyan
                that  approximately  8,000  personnel
                worked together in November 2015. We are   bir Müze, sergi
                planning to employ around 10,000 persons   alanı da Gebze
                in  the  summer  seasons  of  2017  and  2018,
                depending  on  the  pace  of  the  Phase  IIB   Oksijen AVM
                construction works.                     içinde yer

                Can we learn the completion ratios of the   almaktadır.”
                phases at the present? We know that the
                section with the highest expectation of
                income is Phase 1 DİLOVASI – GEMLİK
                section. What is the revenue projection
                between the phases?
                General completion ratio of the project is
                around 61%, with Phase I = 100%, Phase 2A =
                83%, Phase 2B = 26%.
                When the whole motorway is opened for
                operation, our toll booth projection is 300-
                350 million US Dollars for Phase 1,  30-40
                million US Dollars for Phase 2A and 200-250
                million US Dollars for Phase 2B.

                Highways had removed all the barriers on
                motorways and switched from card pass
                system to fast pass system for the purpose
                of decreasing the congestion. It is known
                that quite a few illegal passages are being
                made on motorways and a serious revenue
                loss is caused, even though there is a
                penalty fine. We know that barriers and toll
                booths are placed on all our motorways in
                our project. How did you make the Highways   Oksijen Shopınn
                accept this different practice?

                If it were not for the barriers, 70% of the  bridge and the motorway toll booths, even  both sides will begin to use the system
                bridge revenues would be uncollectable, as  though the name remains the same. This  without any problem.
                we mentioned above. Also, since we are not  way, we gained the ability to control a great
                in the scope of the existing legislation, we  majority of illegal passaged and to make the  Can we have some information about
                are not able to apply the requirement to pay  collections.                  OKSİJEN SHOPINN areas in Phase 1? It is
                the fines during the sale or inspection of the                              mentioned  that  big  brands  will  provide
                vehicles, as KGM does. KGM analyzed these  Also, by detecting all problems such as  service in these areas. How was this concept
                circumstances and made the right decision  wrong tag, defective tag, wrong vehicle class  generated?
                about the necessity of the barriers.  or  insufficient  balance  instantly,  which  are
                                                      not detected presently, we prevented the  As I have pointed above, one of our
                One of the largest and most sophisticated  persons getting in a punishable situation  established  companies,  OİB  (Otoyol
                toll  booth  areas  was installed  by Aselsan  without knowing. However, this requires the  Operation Maintenance), is carrying out
                for İzmit Bay Crossing Bridge. An Integrated  persons with problems to stop in front of the  these activities. There will be a total of 33
                Pass System was developed for this project  toll booths  and pay cash. Even though  we  shopping, resting and recreation areas; 16 of
                that accepts OGS, HGS, credit card and cash.  prevent the persons from paying 10 times  them will be in İstanbul-İzmir direction and
                Also, it will be possible in the system to  fines due to reasons they are not aware of  in 17 İzmir-İstanbul direction. All of them
                check the balance for electronic payments  with the developed system, they express  are being designed, constructed, rented and
                such as OGS and HGS instantly to see  their  displeasure  because  they  are  directed  operated by the consortium. These facilities
                whether the users’ balances are adequate  to pay cash. In reality, we prevent the persons  are managed and inspected from one center;
                for passage. Do the drivers react adversely  from being aggrieved. If we had not taken  5 of them are in operation, 6 of them were
                to the fact that a different system is being  the problems under control in this manner  designed  and their  construction  started,
                applied than the other motorways? Do you  they would have had to pay the passing fare  remaining 22 are at the design stage.
                think this will change in time?       and 10 times fine; 11 times payment in total,
                                                      we prevented this. We have difficulty in  Project are being produced that will enable
                As you have pointed out, we installed a  explaining this important detail. However, as  the brands to reach it customers with their
                completely different system at both the  the persons rectify the detected problems,  own  values,  colors  and  identities  including

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