Page 34 - World Of Nurol Magazine-27
P. 34
Phase 1 Motorway-Orhangazi Tunnel 29+500-increase
an investment company to which the majority of votes. I am confident to say framework and make decisions. I perform
prerogative of constructing and managing that we are a team that works very much the decisions. Board of Management is held
this highway for 22 years was going to be in harmony. The problems we had in the once a month routinely. All firms attend on
given. Otoyol Inc. was established with this beginning diminished as we solved each one the employer level. Within the scope of our
purpose. The company has found the money, by one. company, we have five general managers
constructed and managed the highway; the who are subordinates to me. They also
firms are partners and each of them are How do you manage the company as the attend the Board of Management. We have
represented in our Board of Management CEO of Otoyol Inc.? a very good financial reporting system. Each
with a common representative, each firm unit submits what had been done in the
has right of one vote. For example, Oğuz We spend 8 billion dollars in this project meetings, thus, no problems occur regarding
ÇARMIKLI represents Nurol and he is also and we manage a large investment. The the decisions made afterwards. We do not
head of the Board of Management of Otoyol system we would build had to be a structure experience stress or interference. Decisions
Inc. Mr. Oguz contributed in a large extent to which anyone may inspect; everyone may are made by rational evaluation at all times.
the trouble-free management that we have see everything transparently and gather
now. He earned the respect of all parties information in the same manner. As you Other than OTOYOL Inc., are there any
with his coordination, management ability stated, from the start I am managing this companies that are structured differently
and experience. system where all the decisions are made to participate into the project?
in a competitive environment and with
When we look at the operation of the transparency. Yes, we are performing the management
company, each partner attends the meeting with four distinct companies. First is the
with the right of one vote. It is our sixth After I compose the respective strategy investing company Otoyol Inc., which
year and we have never voted in any of our about every important subject, I take and is the party in the contract signed with
decisions so far. We made all of our decisions submit it to the Board of Management. We the Administration. Second is NÖMAYG
with consensus. discuss different opinions, if any. We create Ordinary Company; which is Producer
There is not yet a decision we made with the main strategy together. We draw the Company and performs the construction
Orhangazi Tunnel