Page 33 - World Of Nurol Magazine-27
P. 33

Would you please tell us about the  Could you please inform us about  a while we were five partners.
             characteristics  of  the project?  We  Otoyol Inc.?            Right now, we have reached to
             will mention the completed parts of                            a zero-problem term in terms of
             How was the situation in the very  founder companies with 50 million  something here. A structure with six  “
             the project such as bridge, highway  Otoyol Enterprise and Management  partner relationships and company
             and tunnel in the following pages.  Inc. has been established by six co-
                                                                            management. Thus we gained
             beginning?                      Turkish Lira capital as a special   partners, all have different habits,   Suspension
                                             purpose incorporated company  different wage policies, different
             The characteristics of the project  within the build-operate-transfer  price policies and different working   Bridge towers
             are that; for the first time in Turkey  regulations framework in Ankara  styles. It was impossible to create
             an infrastructure project of this  on 20 September 2010. Later in  a company by collecting these
             size, a highway project is going to  2012, one of our partners Göçay  and copying  the  firms.  Therefore,  are at a height
             be realized with build-operate-  Construction Inc. had decided  as Otoyol Inc. we created a novel
             transfer model. This contradicts all  to assign most of its shares in  company which is independent of   of 252 meters
             of the existing habits.  It  was  the  the company to other partners.  the partner firms.
             largest project in Turkey when it  At the end of year 2013, Yüksel                             from the sea
             was tendered. Now, 5.5 years are  Construction Inc. had decided to  We will talk about the project but
             left in the past. At the point we  leave the company by assigning its  before that, there is a subject of
             commenced, there were some gaps  share to three partners. Today, each  great  interest.  Do  not  pressure  or  level and are
             in the legal infrastructure regarding  of the partners of Otoyol Inc. is one  manipulation occur arising from
             especially the obtaining finance  of the five leading companies of  the fact that such great companies   only 12 meters
             for a government build-operate-  construction sector in Turkey and  have shares in the partnership?
             transfer project of this size.  in the world. Our partners are Nurol                           shorter than
                                             Construction, Özaltın Construction,  No, no kind of pressure occurs. Each
             Some legislation had to be adapted  Makyol Construction, Astaldi and  important subject is discussed in
             to be compatible with one another  Göçay Construction companies.  the Board of Management and each  the Sapphire
             and this process took a while. Once                            and every partner abides by the
             the compatibility was obtained,  In multi-partnered projects like  decisions. Otoyol Inc. is a separate  building in
             we were able to pave the way for  these, were there any problems  and independent legal entity and is
             financing. In addition to this, the  due  to  different  working  styles  of  open to every kind of inspection.
             project being very large in size,  the partners, especially regarding
             an economical liquidity crisis  the harmony of the personnel?  Did  the establishment  of  Otoyol
             occurring in the world at that time  I  suppose  management  and  Inc. become an obligation because   Istanbul.  “
             overlapping with the project and a  coordination of such issues are very  the government stipulated so?
             very large financing being required  difficult. How did you blend these?  Would you please inform us about
             were among the greatest challenges                             the operation of the company?
             we had in the beginning.        In  the beginning  of the  project  we
                                             started with six partners. After  There was a requirement to establish

            Osmangazi Bridge
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