Page 32 - World Of Nurol Magazine-27
P. 32

management in my mind. Towards the end of
                                                                                            2010 I had all my work on track. Companies I
                                                                                            owned and the establishments I was a partner
                                                                                            of were performing their activities and there
                                                                                            were high quality managers in all of them. We
                                                                                            are fairly comfortable financially. I had been
                                                                                            putting effort into business life for so long
                                                                                            that I wanted to take some time out and spend
                                                                                            more time  with my family and children.Of
                                                                                            course, I was following the daily agenda and the
                                                                                            bidding as an outsider. A great project indeed.
                                                                                            We always had bond of communion with Mr.
                                                                                            Nurettin. Mr. Nurettin, Mr. Erol, Mr. Oguz, they
                                                                                            all are people we respect deeply and are proud
                                                                                            of the fact that they all have high humanitarian
                                                                                            values. On a personal scale, it was a home for
                                                                                            me to which my father took me trustfully 40
                                                                                            years ago.

                                                                                            I was very happy to see that  Nurol won the
                                                                                            bidding.  Afterwards,  I  received  this  offer  and
                                                                                            I stated that I was unable to accept it due to
                                                                                            reasons I just mentioned. We kept in touch for
                                                                                            a few months. Finally I met with Mr. Oguz in
                                                                                            Istanbul. Mr. Oguz insisted me so much that he
                                                                                            said “Consider this as a national service”. I was
                                                                                            deeply touched. In addition, it was impossible
                                                                                            to endure the desirability of the project.

                                                                                            The structure contained six partners – Yüksel
                                                                                            was also in then- and partnerships are not easy
                                                                                            at all. Six different  disciplines, six different
                                                                                            business management styles; a six-partnered
                                                                                            structure is  not  easy to manage.  Upon  Mr.
                                                                                            Oguz saying “There are not many people to
                May we please get to know you?        financially and I worked there for about 4   manage  this and you  do not really have  the
                                                      or 4.5 years. After I got back from Libya, I   right to reject”, I stopped resisting. He said “You
                I was born in Arhavi in 1956. My father was  joined to Bayindir Group as a co-founder.  will come  in the  beginning and  get the  place
                a banker and we moved to Ankara in 1960. I                                  organized in a couple of years, have the system
                studied primary, secondary and high schools  Actually it seems to be a young age to be an   in place and you may leave after that if you still
                in Aydınlıkevler. Afterwards, I chose and  employer. How did this happen?   want to”. It has been six years and I am still
                entered METU Mechanical Engineering and                                     here…
                graduated in 1979. I am married and I have a  Bayindir Construction was founded in 1984
                daughter, Ceren, and a son, Yigit.    as a multi-partner establishment. I also   You are implementing one of the greatest
                                                      joined this establishment as one of the co-  projects of Turkey and also one of the most
                Since our employers are also from Arhavi,  founders when I was twenty-eight years   important infrastructure projects in the world.
                have you known them before you joined  old. Bayindir developed and grew in a short   Isn’t it very proud and exciting?
                this project?                         period of time. As it developed further,
                                                      so did we. We gained  great experience in   Of course, the facts that the extent of the
                Of course I have. Our houses are in the same  different sectors. I took the Vice Presidency   project is  really large,  the  project is a  world
                neighborhood in Arhavi. Our elders have  of the Executive Board and General Directory   project and it is the greatest project in the
                known each other for a long time. Nurol  when I was thirty-five. In 1997, I and other   history of the Republic of Turkey have been
                is a great holding that we are proud of.  three friends of mine left Bayindir.  very exciting during the process. We engineers
                Interestingly indeed, my acquaintance with                                  are drawn by the fascination of the work after
                the group dates long back in time.    Here  it  becomes  obvious  where  you  got   a short while. On one hand there are works
                When I was at METU, the university was  your success in managing partnerships.   to do and I was having worries about how to
                closed due to boycott and it was uncertain  Your experiences always took place in   spend time with my family and children; on
                when it was going to be opened again. My  multi-partnered structures. What did you   the other hand there is this fascination of the
                father took me to Mr. Nurettin and said:  do afterwards as four partners?   work, building the greatest bridge of the world,
                “My son is a successful student but the                                     highways, tunnels… Step by step it becomes
                university is closed so he started to loaf  As four partners leaving Bayindir, we   a kind of “challenge” and finally this feeling
                around. It would be better for him if he takes  established ENER Group and we continued   overwhelmed me.  It was just the beginning
                some time out and sees the business world.”  our activities in construction, energy and   of the year 2011; I accepted the job with
                Thus, Mr. Nurettin took me to Ayaş tunnel  tourism fields. Coming to 2003, in addition   excitement and happiness.
                immediately. I worked there as an intern for  to ENER Group, I established Defne
                six months as an intern. That is where I first  Agriculture and Eni Energy Construction as   I was agreeing to what Mr. Oguz said earlier. I
                learned and loved site work.          family companies and I continued working.  was planning and hoping to create the system
                                                                                            primarily, set things in place and then leave.
                What did you do after university? Did you  In which stage have you joined the project   However, it turned out to be not that easy. In
                enter the business world right afterwards?  and how did this happen?        the beginning we encountered very important
                                                                                            difficulties and challenges for a few years.
                After  graduation  I  did master’s degree  in  Since I got back from Libya, that is, since   Nevertheless,  thank  God,  now  it  is  all  in  the
                the  same  department.  However,  I  went  to  Bayindir was founded in 1984, I had   past. Now, with the opening of Phase-I, which
                Libya before I finished my master’s degree  continued  my  life  as  employer.  Therefore,   includes the bridge, the most critical threshold
                because I did not want to burden my family  naturally  I  never  had  professional  of the project is passed with success.

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