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                                    NUROL HOLDING INC. CODE OF GOVERNANCEDocument Code : NH-YS-YK-02Publication No : 03Publication Date : 03.03.2025Page No : 6/18d) Protection of Company Informatione) Fraud Prevention, Proper Accounting, Accuracy of Company Records f) Conflicts of Interestg) Fair Communication with Media and Publich) Occupational Health and Safetyi) Product/Service Quality and Safetyj) Environmental Awarenessk) Respect to and Compliance with the Lawsl) Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption m) Facilitation Paymentsn) Gifts, Representation and Hospitalityo) Intermediariesp) Working with Business Partners and Other Business Arrangementsq) Lobbying Activities and Political Donationr) Sponsorships) Disaster Managementt) Risk Managementu) Operational Assurance Statementv) Social Responsibility and Volunteeringw) Economic Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering x) International Export Controlsy) Charitable Donationsz) Reporting Violations(2) Codes of Practice:a) Human Resources and Employee Relations1. Each NUROL employee;(a) acts based on mutual affection and respect; esteems the job and time of other employees; performs his/her duties explicitly, accurately and timely. (b) behaves explicitly, honestly and sincerely towards his/her colleagues and others without discriminating age, gender, language, race, belief, political view differences; looks after the interests of people and institutions as well as social environments to which we provide service; acts clearly, honestly and directly in all activities; adopts the principles of transparency, fairness and accountability.(c) always prioritizes the company%u2019s interests, not personal interests, thus avoidsinconsiderate, disrespectful, hostile or deterrent behaviors; encourages and enables an ideal teamwork environment which is full of spirit of collaboration without any abuse.2. NUROL ensures that each employee at all levels is treated as respected and honorable individuals. Each employee is evaluated by considering his/her personal qualifications, experiences, discipline mentality and working efficiency in accordance 
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