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                                    NUROL HOLDING INC. CODE OF GOVERNANCEDocument Code : NH-YS-YK-02Publication No : 03Publication Date : 03.03.2025Page No : 5/18are individual responsibilities. All employees are expected to act accordingly regardless of their titles and positions.(5) Codes of ethics and working principles are composed of five fundamentals:a) Accountability: We are all proprietarily responsible from our behaviors and acts.b) Honesty: Nothing can replace reality.c) Integrity: We say what we do, we do what we say.d) Clarity: We are clear and honest with our responses by giving straightforwardanswers.e) Respect: We value each individual and behave in an honorable, respectful and considerate manner. Article 4- Liabilities of the Executives: (1) None of the executives can act or ask others to act in a way that violates the rules and principles indicated in this Code of Governance or applicable legislation.(2) Persons who manage or inspect the employees have additional liabilities within the scope of these rules:a) Explaining the Code of Governance to the employees and making sure that they are comprehended,b) Providing annual training and guidance to the employees in the fields of ethicsand compliance,c) Setting a personal example and thereby raising standards,d) Monitoring their employees regarding their compliance with the rules, e) Making sure that third parties are also aware of and obey these rules and act accordingly.(3) NUROL declares and guarantees that NUROL executives shall:a) apply and exhibit the same high standards of conduct and ethical behavior in all areas of operation,b) encourage ethical behavior everywhere,c) provide training and other resources to ensure that employees are better equipped to deal with ethics and compliance issues,d) listen to concerns of employees on working principles and support them to express these concerns,e) prevent retaliation arising out of an employee%u2019s reporting misbehavior.Article 5 %u2013 Policies and Codes of Practice: (1) Subjects which determine Codes of Ethics and Compliance are composed of following titles:a) Human Resources and Employee Relationsb) Relations with the Customers, Suppliers and Contractorsc) Security and Protection of NUROL%u2019s Assets
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