Page 16 - World Of Nurol Magazine 35
P. 16

APRIL 2024      35. ISSUE


         OUR PORTAL RENEWED                                   BUSINESS PLASTIC
                                                              INITIATIVE (IPG)

         The  Nurol  Portal,  developed  to  streamline  access
         to applications and resources while facilitating
                                                              As Nurol Holding, we will announce our commitment to
         communication among Nurol employees and group
                                                              the Business Plastic Initiative (IPG), a collaborative effort
         companies through digital platforms, has been renewed.
                                                              between  Global  Compact  Türkiye,  SKD  Türkiye,  and
         We invite our valuable employees to use Nurol Portal for   TÜSİAD (Turkish Industry and Business Association), to all
         quick access to applications, company news, in-house   our stakeholders and the public at the IPG workshop to
         events, and campaign announcements, all conveniently   be held in 2024. IPG aims to drive measurable progress in
         accessible on a single platform with easy navigation and   combating plastic pollution within businesses. As part of
         effective functionalities.                           our sustainability efforts, we continue our plastic reduction
                                                              activities by introducing a water treatment system at the
         The integrated intranet solution provided by Nurol Portal   Holding in May 2023 to reduce the use of plastic.
         includes a chat-based work environment, document
         sharing, and a collaborative workspace for teamwork.
         As you stay updated with our Nurol agenda, including
         corporate information, documents, press releases,
         events, campaigns, workshops, cybersecurity, legal
         updates, and Nurol Art Gallery posts, you can also
         access our corporate software such as SAP ERP, SAP
         SuccessFactors, QDMS/M-Files, and CloudOffix Support
         Portal—all from a single page.

         Work more efficiently and faster with Nurol Portal!

         POLICIES (SYS)

                                                              ESCARUS SUSTAINABILITY

         As Nurol Holding, we have established Sustainability
         Management     System   Policies   (SYS)   to   build
         environmental, social, and economic sustainability as a
                                                              The  online  Basic  Sustainability  Training  held  for  all
         business model for our organization and integrate them
                                                              employees in November 2023 concluded  with  the
         into all our processes.
                                                              participation  of  400  employees.  The  training  covered
         The policies aim to systematically manage sustainability-  various  topics,  including  Sustainable  Development
         based actions and risks in alignment with economic,   Goals  (SDGs),  Nurol  Holding  SDG  Priorities,  Corporate
         social,  environmental,  and  governance  models.  They   Sustainability,  the  Three  Dimensions  of  Sustainability,
         are intended to be integrated into our corporate culture   Global  Sustainability  Developments,  Developments
         and will guide Nurol Holding's strategic sustainability   in Reporting Standards,  Performance  Standards,  and
         roadmap.                                             Sustainability Developments in Türkiye.

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