Page 14 - World Of Nurol Magazine 35
P. 14

APRIL 2024      35. ISSUE


         As Nurol Holding and the Group Companies, we adhere  Principles. Furthermore, we establish the Sustainability
         to the principles of environmental, social, and economic  Governance Structure within the organization and detail
         sustainability across all sectors and regions in which we  roles and responsibilities accordingly.
         operate. In 2018, we became a signatory of the UN Global
                                                              As Nurol Group, we are working on short, medium, long-
         Compact, pledging to align our strategy and operations
                                                              term goals to empower women in all areas and at all levels
         with its Ten Principles covering human rights, environment,
                                                              of economic life and to support gender equality through
         labor standards, and anti-corruption, and we have
                                                              the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs), which we
         committed to report our progress annually.
                                                              are a signatory to, jointly initiated by UN Women and UN
         We conducted a comprehensive benchmark study,  Global Compact. We have developed our action plan for
         evaluating  national  and  international  efforts  in  strategic,  Diversity and Inclusion based on an analysis of data from
         operational, and social sustainability within the sectors  all our companies. Moving forward, we will align our efforts
         where our Group companies operate. With the consultancy  with the goals we have established. The Equal Opportunities
         provided  by  Escarus-TSKB  (Industrial  Development  Bank  Model (FEM), developed by KAGİDER with technical support
         of Türkiye), we assessed our current activities against best  from the World Bank, is being implemented across various
         practices and international standards in sustainability,  companies within our Group to enhance our activities in
         identified  areas  for  improvement,  and  developed  our  this area. We aim to increase the implementation of this
         sustainability roadmap and action plan. Our companies  model, with Nurol İnşaat being the first leading company
         have  identified  short  and  medium-term  actions  aligned  to receive the FEM certificate.
         with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), prioritized
                                                              We have shared our Sustainability, Environment,
         according  to  their  respective  fields  of  activity.  As  Nurol
                                                              Occupational Health and Safety, Human Rights, Anti-
         Group Companies, we formulate our sustainability strategy
                                                              Bribery,  and  Anti-Corruption  Policies-forming  the
         and roadmap based on all 17 SDGs and UN Global Compact
                                                              foundation of our Sustainability Management System-

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