Page 15 - World Of Nurol Magazine 35
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with all our stakeholders. Additionally, we plan to publish  sustainability topics, including discussions on Sustainable
         our Corporate Social Responsibility, Gender Equality, and  Development Goals (SDGs), Nurol Holding's SDG priorities,
         Supply Chain Policies shortly.                       corporate sustainability practices, the three dimensions of
                                                              sustainability, global sustainability trends, developments
         Despite  having  no  legal  obligation,  we  obtained  the
                                                              in reporting and performance standards, and the latest
         ISO  50001:2018  Energy  Management  System  certificate
                                                              sustainability  initiatives  in  Türkiye.  Additionally,  for  the
         voluntarily. Through this certification, we aim to increase
                                                              children of our employees, we organized an online training
         energy  efficiency,  minimize  energy  consumption,  and
                                                              and  painting  workshop  in  collaboration  with  TURMEPA,
         manage energy costs effectively. This commitment aligns
                                                              aiming  to  instill  awareness  of  environmental  protection
         with our dedication to sustainability and environmental
                                                              and waste management from an early age. Furthermore,
         management as Nurol Holding and its Group Companies.
                                                              we held a small painting exhibition featuring the artworks
         As a result of our application to the Business Plastic   created during the workshop. We also conducted an
         Initiative  (İPG),  launched  in  cooperation  with  the  Global   awareness-raising  activity  aimed  at  educating  children
         Compact, SKD Türkiye, and TÜSİAD (Turkish Industry and   about the 14th SDG - Life Below Water.
         Business  Association),  aimed  at  helping  sectors  achieve
                                                              In line with Nurol Group's corporate values of social benefit
         measurable progress in combating  plastic pollution, we
                                                              and respect for the environment, we remain committed to
         became one of the new members in 2024. Our objective
                                                              providing employment opportunities across all sectors and
         is to make concrete commitments to reduce plastic usage
                                                              regions in which we operate, invest in education, preserve
         and prevent its further use. We also intend to report our
                                                              natural resources, prioritize safe working practices,
         progress in annual reports.
                                                              support economic growth, and create an environment that
         We  conducted  Sustainability  Training  sessions  for  all   contributes to the well-being of future generations.
         our  employees,  aiming  to  raise  awareness  about  key

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