Page 40 - World Of Nurol Magazine 30
P. 40
What did you do after school, did you immediately enter business
life? “If I hadn’t start working in
I wanted to pay my military duty before starting to work. I have Silivri Sand Quarry when I
completed my duty to the country as a reserve officer in Edirne
Süloğlu and then returned home in Kars. As I told before, dream of completed my university
every child raised with Eastern culture was studying at West, his
second dream was to work as state officer and this position would education, I would be able to
be preferably in Ankara, if possible. My family was also persistent
about this idea. Public hiring exams were opening by state from have this experience in state and
time to time. In 1998, I entered the exam of Sivas Divriği Iron Steel
Premises and I ranked first at the exam. Salaries are higher in Public I would know nothing
Economic Enterprises (KIT). On the second year of my career, I
worked in Malatya Hekimhan. about gold mining.”
In 2000, I was appointed to the General Directorate of T. Iron Steel
Enterprises and I finally achieved my dream to go to Ankara. These
were successes that I achieved with my own labor. Due to my
success-driven personality, I did not settle and I always focused
on best and work accordingly. Within this context, dream of every
mining engineer was working at the General Directorate of Mining After you started to work in a position you wanted in Ankara, it was
Affairs affiliated to the Ministry of Energy, which is the heart of time for marriage, I guess.
mining. And of course, it was my goal, too and I finally achieved this
goal in 2001. Yes, this was what happened exactly. I got married my spouse
Berna whom I met during my appointment to Ankara on October 5,
Here, I would like to share an interesting memory that I had about 2001. Our first daughter Ecesu is now 15 and she is studying in TED
the time when I finish my education in university. School was over College. I can see that I was far away working when she was growing
and I was back with my family in the village, then I went to Ankara up. During that period, all responsibility about our child was on the
to get the blessing of my Uncle Çetin. He did not want me to pay shoulders of my wife. Our second daughter Derin is only 16 months
my military duty immediately and offered me to work for a certain old. Actually, Mr. Gürol has an indirect role in the birth of our second
period of time instead. He took me to Nurol to see his childhood child. During a conversation about our weight problem which has
friend Mr. Nurettin’s office. Uncle Çetin suggested, “He can go and been always a problem for us, Mr. Gürol forced me and my wife to
work at the Tümad Silivri Sand Quarry and get some experience”. Mr. see a dietician. Although, we were planning a second child before,
Nurettin looked at me and told with a very firm tone that, “Go and we had to give up on this idea due to high blood pressure problem
pay your military duty”. 13-14 years later, I was at the position he of my wife. After, we start seeing the dietician, my wife’s high blood
suggested. You know, they say everything happens for a reason. If pressure problem vanished and this is when we decided to have a
I hadn’t start working in Tümad Sand Quarry when I completed my second child.
university education, I would be able to have this experience in state My wife was working in the Ankara Metropolitan Municipatity but
and I would know nothing about gold mining and Nurol would not after the birth of our second daughter, she decided for unpaid leave.
enter gold mining sector. More interestingly, when I paid my military
duty, I went back to Nurol like Mr. Nurettin told me to do so. Can you give more information about your duties in the Ministry
of Energy?
I dropped by my cousin Cumhur before this meeting. However,
thanks to my cousin who gave a tie as a present and sent back home, At that time, all big mining enterprises were under state management.
I failed to work in Silivri, again. Maybe, it is necessary to evaluate the General Directorate of Mining Affairs was the office that was
incidents that we call coincidence in life as a creator of better events responsible for both certification and auditing. Consequently, I have
as a whole. to say that it was the best place to learn the profession and improve
30 SAYI DERGI NUROL ING 01.indd 40 27.03.2019 15:17:36