Page 27 - World Of Nurol Magazine 30
P. 27
" We have been
selling products to all
continents excluding
Australia. We are
exporting our products
approximately to 34
countries varying from
Thailand to Colombia,
from Mali to Poland. "
What are the raw materials and are there any imported Nurol Steel Factory has been carrying out its production
materials among them? activities in three different premises in Şaşmaz and recently
in Gölbaşı Factory. How can we classify them according to
There are some imported raw materials. However, Nurol products?
Technologies involve in some joint projects in an effort to
break the cycle of being dependent to foreign products. Within It was decided to include Gölbaşı and Kazan Nurol Stell
this framework, we are working closely with companies that factories as a part of Nurol Technologies in addition to existing
have been producing raw materials by using local resources Şaşmaz factory during Executive Board meeting held in 2016.
and abilities in order to encourage them to be a part of these As it includes pluses such as welding, bending, mounting and
projects. space, Nurol Steel has become production premise of Cabin-
Fourgon- Wagon- Semi Trailer – Visor – Shelter – Container
For example, technical requirements such as fabric density of products; Nurol Technologies Şaşmaz Premises play host to
textile are transformed into technical textile in order to obtain Boron Carbide and Ceramic Production Facility; and Nurol
preg-preg carbon by using different chemicals by a textile Technologies Gölbaşı Premises become the center of ceramic
producer company in Denizli and a company named AKSA. production transforming Boron Carbide, Silicon Carbide,
We also unconditionally support similar companies that want Titanium Diboride, Tungsten Carbide into final product, include
to produce Aramid and Boron Carbide raw-material dust in engineering, test center, quality labs and R&D departments
Turkey. and producing vehicle armor panels, personnel, air and naval
platform requirement solutions.
You have transformed Gölbaşı factory into a really perfect
premise. I have noticed while visiting Gölbaşı factory that
there were almost nobody inside 7.500 square meter area
around the furnaces. Can you introduce us this factory,
workshops, newly purchased machines and furnaces?
Nurol Technologies Gölbaşı Premises are designed and
operated with the purpose of new generation armor solutions
by considering producing 10 year growth, development
objectives. It is designed according to both production capacity
and environmental friendly energy efficiency and minimum
human need and by considering maximum health, safety and
environment principles. Currently, 3 big sintering furnaces in
our Gölbaşı premises are capable of producing 1.5 times more
products than 7 old furnaces at our Şaşmaz factory.
Let’s talk about abroad. How do you plan your marketing
strategy? Which countries did you focus? Are there any joint
ventures with foreign countries?
International marketing activities are carried out according to
strategies that I lead and based on customer requirements.
We have been defining contact points by observing companies
responding customer and user requirements in the countries
we have trade relations. Primarily based upon promotion, we 27
30 SAYI DERGI NUROL ING 01.indd 27 26.03.2019 10:43:35