Page 26 - World Of Nurol Magazine 30
P. 26
Can we get to know you? requirements and produce their own technological products is
demanding ballistic armor solutions. It was very important
I was born in 1974 in Eskişehir, and have completed my for us to beat our rivals and export products to this country.
primary, high school and university education in this city. Based on this point of view, Nurol Technologies are selling
I am married with two children. This year, I have celebrated quality of products not only in its own country and neighboring
my 24 anniversary in my work. I initially started my career countries but also in countries located in far away places. In
as a research assistant in Osmangazi University, which was America continent; Holding talks about ceramic sale to the
later renamed Anadolu University. After two years as a USA and selling ceramics to two countries that have their
research assistant, I started working in the 1st Air Supply and own ceramic producers at home gained more importance. As
Maintenance Center Command for one year, and then went a conclusion, Nurol Technologies Inc. is a company that does
on to complete my military service. Later on, I worked in Ford not only produces ceramics, transformed into final product or
Otosan, in TEİ Turkish Aerospace Engine Industries Inc., and use them in personal production but it is the only company
in ATARD Defense and Aviation, of which I was also a partner. that achieves them all for all platforms such as air, naval and
Finally in 2013, I started working in Nurol Technologies Inc., air platforms and collects them under one roof. Due to its
where I have been holding office ever since. characteristics based on offering flexible, customer oriented
and quick solutions, it is a company whose brand value
How did you join Nurol Group? increases rapidly in the world.
Following my interview with Mr. Gürol ÇARMIKLI in December Can we say that some of our products became a brand now?
2013, I met with Chairman of Board Mr. Nurettin ÇARMIKLI And which products can be included into this category?
for a very brief period of about two minutes or so. The great
synergy and energy we sensed between us during this meeting Based on the values that I have mentioned above, Nurol
shaped my decision to join the Nurol Technologies family. This Technologies has created a brand value special to its products.
short interview was a very different experience for my career. In fact, armored cabin – hand shield – armored fourgon and
wagon are best examples. Moreover, Nurol Technologies
Can you tell us our place in Turkish and world market? dominates 70 percent of total size of Rotor breaker market
with its rotor breaker end produced in Turkey by only our
Nurol Technologies Inc. has been producing personal company. In addition, Nurol Technologies has been regularly
protection, land, air and naval armed systems for all offices exporting vehicle armor solutions and products for 4 years in
and institutions including Turkish National Police Department, cooperation with Pakistani HIT company. It has signed armored
Land Forces Command, Gendarmerie General Command, panel supply agreement for Lazar and Milosh vehicles for 10
Air Forces Command, National Intelligence Organization, years with Serbian YUGO Import. Nurol Technologies vehicle
Governor’s Offices, President’s Office, Prime Ministry, Ministry armor panels gradually become a permanent part of vehicles.
of Interior Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and some
sector companies and responding their demands in this field. What are characteristics that separate us from our rivals?
We have been selling products to all continents excluding
Australia. We are exporting our products approximately to Leading and most basic of them is being local and national
34 countries varying from Thailand to Colombia, from Mali to producer. In addition to this, we successfully deliver products
Poland. in a short period of time like 4 to 6 weeks after we clearly
understand customer requirements, design and produce
New countries that we extend our services during 2018 are products according to this demand and test the final product
Poland, Serbia, Sweden, Germany, Belgium and Thailand in our premises. Moreover, we are a company which high
and our product sales momentum among European design power and experience as well as being able to clearly
countries continues. Especially, Sweden which is one of understand intensive customer and market needs.
the Scandinavian countries demanding hardest technical
30 SAYI DERGI NUROL ING 01.indd 26 26.03.2019 10:43:30