Page 78 - World Of Nurol Magazine 29
P. 78
negotiation phase was harder and much longer than planned Deputy General Manager responsible for Financial A§airs at Nurol
due to certain problems that were encountered, including Construction Co. He is a very valuable and astute finance expert
the continuing global financial crisis. I should emphasise who has served for Nurol for many years. Although our previous
that our government gave us great support in this regard. work experiences and business cultures are very di§erent,
we have always worked in harmony and keep good relations.
As you know, the Gebze-Orhangazi-İzmir Highway is the
largest BOT project to date in Turkey, and we made history by When you were appointed head of the finance departments
obtaining the highest value of loans extended to date for an of the Group of Companies, you decided to continue with the
infrastructure project in Turkey. Eventually, on June 5, 2015, existing sta¤. Did you not think of setting up new cadres by
all external financing requirements for the project were met by hiring new employees or replacing the existing ones?
a $5 billion credit agreement signed with nine banks, including
Deutsche Bank and eight Turkish banks with branches abroad.
When I first took up oªce here, I realised that Nurol’s cadres
You joined our Group as a very young CFO. Although you already consisted of people with a certain level of competence,
are a modern and open-minded person who grew up in education and experience, and so I didn’t think it was necessary
a di¤erent culture, Nurol is more cautious and averse to to make changes on the existing cadres. As a matter of fact,
risk. Has this a¤ected you? How do you manage to work executives have become younger in recent years, and maybe
in harmony with our bosses, executives and employees? this began with me. We sparked a fire at Nurol together with
our second-generation bosses, who have begun to assume more
We are inspired by our bosses Nurettin Çarmıklı, Erol Çarmıklı active roles. I hope this will bear its fruits in the years to come. We
and Oğuz Çarmıklı. We always call on them for their experience, will be getting older together with these young team members.
knowledge and guidance. It wasn’t an easy journey for Nurol In an e§ort to take Nurol to a better position, our mission will be
to achieve its current position, but the company has now more to manage sustainable growth throughout this period.
than half a century behind, and the company’s corporate values,
culture and vision, as its core principles, have been established There is something I couldn’t help but wonder. Why did
by the upper management throughout these decades. you come back to Turkey after receiving a great education
abroad and becoming used to living there? You could have
That is what has brought the company to its current successful continued to live there under better conditions, right?
position. As a young team taking part in this journey, we are
also guided by these principles, but we have never hesitated As you said, my life could be di§erent, but I never wanted to
to do business in our own style. Perhaps we have also gained live abroad on a permanent basis. I always thought that I would
the confidence of our bosses – they always supported us, return to my country after school. I am happy to be here.
and never tried to prevent us from doing what we wanted.
There may, of course, be managerial di§erences between
our approaches, but being granted such opportunities “Today, I must express my
in spite of these di§erences always makes us proud.
gratitude for continuing
There have, from time to time, been disagreements among the
management of Nurol, and in fact, I have generally been the one to be a part of this family.
to err on the side of caution. I think this is normal. We seek to
overcome problems through dialogue and by finding a common Corporateness is a structure
solution. As I am continuing my tenure at Nurol with increasing
responsibilities (new positions as an Executive Board member), it that can be created by
seems that I have been successful in doing this. The best example
of working with experienced employees in harmony is Mehmet working. However, the feeling
Buyurgan’s working style. When I took oªce as CFO, he was the
of is a natural state developed
spontaneously. I think this is
one of the most important
features of Nurol. “
TUMAD Mining INC. signing ceremony of Lapseki & İvrindi Projects facility agreement with Akbank - EBRD - 79
Ziraat Bank
29 SAYI DERGI NUROL ING.indd 79 26.02.2018 20:19:21