Page 63 - World Of Nurol Magazine 31
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Developed under the main sponsorship of FNSS, Devrim19
                                                FNSS will represent Turkey in Germany and the Czech
           We maintain our position in the      MSI / 01.08.2019
           contracting league                   Produced  by  the  METU  Formula  Racing  team,  made  up  of
           Star / 23.08.2019                    Middle  East Technical  University  (METU)  students  from  the

           Turkey has dominated the global contractor   Machinery and Innovation Society, under the main sponsorship
                                                of  FNSS,  the  Devrim19  FNSS  vehicle  was  unveiled  on  July
           market,  with  44  companies  making  the   19  at  FNSS’  Gölbaşı  facilities.  METU  students  will  compete
           “Top  250  International  Contractors”  list.   with Devrim19 FNSS in the Formula Student Germany race on
           Nurol  ranked  128   on  the  list,  while  the   August 5–11 at the Hockenheimring circuit in Germany. With
           share of regional revenues taken by Turkish   contributions  from  50  students  of  11  different  departments,
           contractors  rose  from  9.7  percent  to  10.4   the  team  will  represent Turkey  again  in  the  Formula  Student
           percent  in  the  Middle  East,  but  fell  from  4   Czech  Republic  race  at  the  Autodrom  Most  circuit  in  the
           percent to 2.1 percent in Asia, as the leading   Czech Republic on August 12–18, immediately after the race
           markets.  The market share of our companies   in Germany.
           has remained stable at 5.6 percent in Africa,
           but  has  seen  a  limited  increase  in  Europe,
           reaching 7 percent.

                                                                                             Turkish armored vehicle opens
                                                                                             the door to Europe
                                                                                             Milliyet / 01.09.2019
                                               In Pursuit of Change                          Seeking  to  enhance  the  technological
                                               Capital / 01.09.2019                          capabilities  of  its  army,  Hungary  has
           Mobile armored Police container                                                   selected  Ejder  Yalçın,  an  armored  combat
           Bizim Anadolu / 09.09.2019          In  a  research  carried  out  by  Capital  into  the  sectoral   vehicle produced by Nurol Makina. Hungary
                                               changes of holding companies, Kerim KEMAHLI, Board   becomes the sixth country in the world and
           Efforts  are  underway  to  meet  the  needs  of   Member  and  Chief  Financial  Officer  at  Nurol  Holding,   the  first  in  the  EU  to  choose  Ejder  Yalçın
           the security forces under the coordination of   said, “10 years ago, construction had the largest share of   to  meet  the  needs  of  its  security  forces.  In
           the Presidency of Defense Industries. Under   Nurol Holding’s turnover, at 65 percent. Today, this has   May, Ejder Yalçın’s Yörük 4x4 light armored
           the Mobile Armored Checkpoint Project, 25   declined to 54 percent and the share of mining – as a field   vehicle participated in the activities to mark
           mobile  armored  containers,  designed  and   that we have entered only recently – has risen to 6 percent.   Hungary’s  “National  Defense  Day”,  during
           manufactured by Nurol Teknoloji, have been   While  the  share  of  tourism  in  the  Holding’s  portfolio   which the Hungarian Defense Forces paraded
           delivered  to  the  Turkish  National  Police  to   has decreased, the shares of defense, manufacturing and   the  vehicles  in  its  inventory  and  those
           meet the needs of the security personnel for   finance  have  increased.  Changes  have  been  noted  in   currently in the procurement process At the
           rest and other basic functions at the city entry/  the shares of the different sectors during this period. In   end  of  the  day’s  proceedings,  Ejder  Yalçın
           exit and operation points.          particular,  the  shares  of  the  defense  and  manufacturing   was invited to take part in event to promote
                                               sectors have increased over the last decade thanks to new   the internal security units, joining a convoy
                                               projects undertaken in Turkey and abroad.”    of  vehicles  paraded  along  the  streets  of

               Next generation tank destroyer from FNSS: KAPLAN
               MSI / 01.08.2019                                   Miners compete in Efemçukuru
                                                                  Sabah Egeli / 14.09.2019
               Developed by FNSS to meet the stringent demands of the
               Turkish Armed Forces (TAF), a prototype of the KAPLAN   Miners came together for the “1st Mine Rescue Competition” ,
               Anti-Tank  platform  was  exhibited  at  the  event,  having   hosted by the Turkish Miners Association (TMD), during which
               reached the end of its qualification processes. Developed   they competed in various competitions related to the mining field,
               for anti-tank missions, the vehicle successfully completed   including tasks involving first aid, fire, accident and mine rescue.
               firing tests with KORNET and OMTAS missiles from an   According to a statement, the competitions, held at the Tüprag
               integrated Remote Controlled Anti-Tank Turret designed   Efemçukuru  Gold  Mine  in  Menderes,  Izmir,  where  TÜMAD
               by FNSS.  Developed under the Anti-Tank Vehicle (ATV)   participated as an observer, the contestants worked up a sweat in
               project  of  the  Presidency  of  Defense  Industries  (SSB),   various competitions related to the mining field, including tasks
               the  KAPLAN ATV  is  the  smallest  member  of  the  new   involving first aid, fire, accident and mine rescue.
               generation  KAPLAN  armored  combat  vehicle  family
               produced by FNSS. With an automatic transmission and
               the  ability  to  move  together  with  main  battle  tanks,  it
               can perform a wide range of tasks with the integration of
               different subsystems. The vehicle comes with mine and
               armor protection, a low-weight body structure and fully
               tracked (five road wheels), offering high mobility under
               various geographical conditions. Its advanced suspension
               pallet  system  is  designed  to  reduce  vibration  and  to
               increase road holding, giving it the ability to move at high
               speeds in cold and hot climates, over muddy and rough
               terrain, or on asphalt or stabilized roads.

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