Page 25 - World Of Nurol Magazine 35
P. 25

special needs are reflected in each product created in the  and art enthusiasts alike, while providing practical instruction
         workshops.  These  workshops  aim  to  enhance  production  in specialized techniques during the workshops.
         and socialization skills, facilitating the students' integration
                                                              The  foundation's  projects  include  the  Sewing  Course
         into social life. The products are available for purchase at
                                                              for mothers of individuals with special needs, the Free
         the souvenir shop  located  in the  foundation's  building in
                                                              Beach initiative, the Barrier-Free Music Workshop, and the
         Turgutreis,  with  all  proceeds  used  for  the  education  and
                                                              Korumalı  İşlik  project,  all  of  which  were  implemented  in
         rehabilitation of individuals with special needs.
                                                              Bitez, in collaboration with the JCI Bodrum Young Leaders
         The “10th Art Workshop,” organized last year in collaboration  and Entrepreneurs Association and Bodrum Municipality.
         with the Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Faculty of Fine Arts  Additionally, it broadens its scope with a physiotherapy and
         Dean's Office and the Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Fine  counseling unit, offering clinical pilates, reformer pilates, and
         Arts, stands out as an interdisciplinary project. It aims to help  schroth therapy services.
         the foundation's students learn various art techniques and
                                                              The foundation instills hope in hundreds of individuals with
         enhance their social skills. Additionally, the project seeks to
                                                              special needs through its successful projects.
         broaden the perspectives of individuals with special needs


         Çömlekçi  Atatürk  Primary  School,  constructed  by  SGO  the ceremony, students from Çömlekçi Atatürk Primary
         İnşaat  in  Çömlekçi,  Bodrum,  has  been  inaugurated.  School presented poetry readings and performed a folk
         Muğla  Governor  İdris  Akbıyık  attended  the  opening  dance.  Governor  İdris  Akbıyık  expressed  his  gratitude
         ceremony of the primary school, which features six  to Nurol Holding for their contributions to education
         classrooms,  including  one  kindergarten  class.  During  during his remarks at the event.

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