Page 52 - World Of Nurol Magazine 30
P. 52

Stories of Life on Canvas
                                                          Hürriyet Ankara - 29.08.2018
                                                          New  painting  exhibition  of  Işın  Nur  Cicerali  inspired  by  life
                                                          stories, “Davet&Kısmet”, was exhibited in Nurol Art Gallery on
                                                          18 September - 3 October. Işın Nur Cicerali said the following
                                                          about  her  new  exhibition:  “Our  expectations,  preparations  and
                                                          coincidences have all inspired me in this exhibition. In addition to
             Cahit Cem is in Oasis Art Gallery            my canvas works, I think that this exhibition, which also includes
             Anayurt – 19.07.2018                         drawings and collages, will remind the visitors of their lives.”
             Bodrum Nurol Art Gallery, which hosted many valuable
             artists and met them with the people of Bodrum, continues
             its works under the name of Bodrum Oasis Art Gallery.
             Cahit  Cem  was  a  guest  at  Oasis  Art  Gallery  with   Turkish Contractors are Always on Top
             “Random” Paintings. The exhibition, to which the artist   Milliyet - 24.08.2018
             Cahit  Cem  will  also  attend,  will  be  opened  on  18  July
             Friday at 18:00 with a cocktail and it will be opened for   In the list of “The World’s Largest 250 International Contractors,
             the visitors until August 4th, 2018, between 12.00 - 20.00   2018” prepared by ENR (Engineering News Record), which holds
             except Sundays. Born in İstanbul, Cahit Cem graduated   the list of the largest in the global contracting sector, Turks have
             from  the  Department  of  Interior  Architecture  of  the   been  the  second  after  China  with  46  firms. Turkish  companies,
             Academy of Fine Arts. He has participated in many solo   which had risen from 40 to 46 in 2017, continued their activities in
             and group exhibitions with his water paintings. He adopted   the world league. It was noted that the USA with 43 companies in
             an expressionist style in his works.         the previous list declined.
                                                          Nurol  İnşaat  ve  Ticaret  A.Ş.  company,  which  continues  its
                                                          successful works abroad, has ranked 154th in the list.

                       Brand Selection
                       Forbes Türkiye - 01.09.2018
                                                                          Tank Hunters Hit Bulls-Eye!
                       Brand Selection showed that FORBES Turkey’s “Property   Akşam / 16.10.2018
                       Report” issued last month was not homogeneous about the
                       housing  prices  in  Istanbul.  This  also  applies  to  branded   The vehicles rolled out in the “new generation tank hunters” project to meet
                       housing projects spread across all districts of the city. Nurol   a  need  of  Land  Forces  Command  have  performed  outstandingly  in  their
                       GYO, Nurol Park, Nurol Life and Nurol Tower projects took   latest  tests.  Extensive  works  are  still  underway  in  the Anti-Tank Vehicles
                       place in 12th, 13th and 27th places among the 50 branded   (ATV)  Project  signed  between  the  Presidency  of  Defence  Industries  and
                       housing projects with the highest potential of return.  FNSS, which will see the delivery of a total of 260 anti-tank systems. FNSS
                                                                          is making use of the lightest member of the Kaplan vehicle family as the
                                                                          project’s tracked anti-tank vehicle, and the Pars 4x4 vehicle as its wheeled
                                                                          anti-tank version. Speaking on the project, Nail Kurt, General Manager and
                                                                          CEO of FNSS, said: “With Pars 4x4, we’ve just had a very handsome son.
                                                                          For the [project’s] tracked vehicle, we developed the lightest vehicle of the
                                                                          Kaplan class. Serial production of the tracked and wheeled vehicles in the
                                                                          ATV project is planned to be completed in 2021, with 260 vehicles expected
                                                                          to be delivered in total to Turkish Land Forces Command.”

                                                                             FNSS’s Position in Malaysia also Reflects on the Number
                        Yalçın, Nurol Makina - DEFTECH Collaboration was     of Vehicles Exhibited
                                                                             MSI -01.06.2018
                        MSI - 01.06.2018                                     FNSS,  having  established  a  long-term  cooperation  with
                                                                             Malaysia  in  the  late  90s,  have  emphasized  its  position  once
                        Nurol Makina has been one of the companies that stepped   again by being among the main sponsors of the exhibition. This
                        into new collaborations in Malaysia. EJDER YALÇIN was   position of the company was demonstrated by the number of
                        exhibited  at  DEFTECH’s  booth  within  the  cooperation   FNSS signed vehicles exhibited at the fair too. K. Nail Kurt,
                        between  Nurol  Makina  and  DEFTECH.  EJDER YALÇIN,   FNSS’  General  Manager  and  CEO,  has  given  the  model  of
                        which  had  made  the  first  fair  participation  in  the  region,   PARS 6x6 İZCİ to the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Sri
                        came  out  with  its  camouflage  with  numerical  patterns   Mohd Najib Bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak, who visited the booth
                        designed  specifically  for  the  region.  Assistant  General   with Malaysian Chief of Defense Staff, Gen. YM Tan Sri Raja
                        Manager of Nurol Makina, Dr. Anıl Karel, said the following   Mohamed Affandi Raja Mohamed Noor. In addition to PARS
                        about EJDER YALÇIN’s important cooperation in terms of   6x6  İZCİ  vehicle  which  was  exhibited  on  the  own  booth  of
                        introduction in the region: “DEFTECH, like Nurol Makina,   FNSS,  it  exhibited  SAMUR  mobile  swimmer  attack  bridge,
                        requested to cooperate with us as result of its long years of   KUNDUZ amphibious armored engine, KAPLAN MT medium
                        cooperation with FNSS, which is also a company of Nurol   tank, KAPLAN 20 armored combat vehicle (ZMA) and PARS
                        Holding.  In  this  context,  they  offered  EJDER YALÇIN  to   4x4  anti-tank  vehicles  as  scale  models. AV-8  vehicle  which
                        be exhibited together. This is an important opportunity for   was developed with cooperation of DEFTECH and FNSS by
                        us, because DEFTECH is one of the leading companies in   With PARS 8x8 was in the booth of DEFTECH with 3 different
                        Malaysia. It will be an important development for us if we can   configurations.  In  addition,  one AV-8  vehicle  welcomed  the
                        take this opportunity and turn it into a long-term cooperation.  visitors  at  the  entrance  of  the  building  where  the  event  was


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