Page 15 - World Of Nurol Magazine-22
P. 15
The plant will benefit national economy and the On the other hand, material prices and financing costs
environment greatly throughout its service life with its went up substantially, and loss resulting from exchange
energy generation from renewable resources which is differences was experienced.
anticipated to reach an average of 250 million KWh based
on the long-term hydrologic data. Your company does not remain limited to investment
and production, and carries out effective studies
What are the major difficulties you were faced with? regarding sales and marketing, doesn’t it?
How did you deal with them? Our sales and marketing activities conducted by
Inspite of the lean times experienced following the experienced personnel provide for the sale of electricity to
motion for stay of execution granted pursuant to the balancing market and to Free Consumers and Wholesale
tender lodged in 2003, those difficulties were resolved Firms by means of bilateral agreements. Our company also
thanks to the determination of Energy Market Regulatory conducts a balanced portfolio management successfully.
Authority and Enova board of directors and Production
License was acquired behind the schedule in December As far as I know you have carried out some social
2006 for 49 years. Following the issuance of license, the activities for the locals and contributed to the region.
project was designed by TEMELSU Company which is Can you please tell us about it?
very experienced in final and application projects and During the performance of the project, the following
construction works have started immediately. social responsibility projects have been conducted to
support the locals of the region, as well:
However, following a difficult construction period due
to unfavourable surface conditions and heavy rainfall • The construction of 5-classroom Primary School in
the costs increased abruptly and these difficulties were Karagedik Village, maintenance of the existing
overcome with special efforts of Nurol and Özaltın Groups 3-classroom school and the performance of
and devoted work of Enova staffs. In a short span of time environmental planning,
CEYHAN HES Oşkan and Berkman Plants were made • Restoration of the 1,5 km long potable water pipeline
available for the use of national economy. of Karagedik Village,
• Maintenance and reparation of the 3-classroomed