Page 43 - Annual Report 2019
P. 43
EJDER YALCIN 4X4 Armored Combat Vehicle EJDER YALÇIN 4x4 with Remotely Control Application
Mine/IED Detection-Clearance Vehicle, Combat Vehicle, vehicle fast and highly maneuverable at rural and urban
Personnel Carrier, CBRN Surveillance Vehicle, Tactical areas. Its low weight and high protection features provide for
Missile Carriage/Launch System and Armored Ambulance. operational superiority and high resilience in the face of the
Its high payload capacity allows for several payloads to be most aggressive and asymmetric threats. Design
integrated together on the platform. Without scarifying considerations that prioritize readiness for multiple missions
mobility performance thanks to its powerful diesel engine, offer combat troops a range of capabilities ranging from
high torque capability and fully independent suspension carrying weapons systems to reconnaissance missions.
system; the vehicle offers superior off-road performance. A next-generation vehicle, NMS 4X4 represents a perfect
combination of scalable composite material armor. The
In addition to its superior ballistic and mine protection
modular design of NMS 4x4 enables the users to cover wide
features, the design of the vehicle also includes the
range of special operations such as combat operations,
operational and ergonomic requirements of its users as an
transportation of troops and equipment, air defence and
ideal platform for the crew to work more efficiently and
reconnaissance. NMS 4x4 is an extremely attractive and
safely on the field.
useful solution for today’s hybrid warfare.
Furthermore, thanks to its higher speed and superior
The most recent design, NMS 4X4, features a V-shaped protection features compared to other vehicles in his
monocoque body. Its advanced drive-train makes the segment, the vehicle is suitable as an escort in VIP convoys.
NMS 4x4 Armored Combat Vehicle