Page 41 - Annual Report 2019
P. 41

urol Makina ve Sanayi  A.Ş (Nurol Makina) was   Making use of the production and integration capabilities
                established in 1976 in order to meet the needs of our   accumulated over the years, work on RN-94 6x6 Armored
        Ncountry in establishing turnkey industrial facilities,   Vehicle design has commenced and the said project has
         steel construction and machinery manufacturing. Since its   been successfully concluded. The design, production and
         establishment, it has undertaken many large-scale      integration of the RN-94 vehicle was carried out entirely
         contracting works  and has successfully submitted its   within the NMS facilities and consequently experience
         projects. Nurol Makina has started working on the defense   was accumulated on various aspects.
         industry  since  1992 and  continues  to manufacture  4x4
                                                                In the 2000s, the design work for “Shelter,” which was a
         tactical wheeled armored vehicles in its modern facilities in
                                                                requirement of the  Turkish  Army, was commenced by
                                                                Nurol Makina and the design and production processes
         Nurol Makina facilities, which are established in the First   were successfully completed over a very short period. In
         Organized Industrial Zone in Sincan, on an area of   55,000   order to be our own design and manufacturing, the panel
         m , have a closed area of    17,000 square meters. Nurol   production line for this product was completed within the
         Makina facilities also have a vehicle test area for wheeled   project period. Shelter production was carried out for
         armored vehicles, which enables trench crossing and    various projects, which can be summarized as: NATO ACE
         obstacle climbing, side and steep slope climbing, hilly   III shelters; special shelter within the scope of  Aselsan
         terrain and amphibious ability performance tests. Our   Jammer production and integration, and Shelter
         production  facility,  which  is  constantly  developing  with   production within the scope of ASELSAN IRSM project;
         new investments in order to further increase its competitive   integration of Shelter electronics; integration of various
         capacity at the global level, continues its activities with a   trailer based generator sets and sensors for  Aselsan
         state-of-the-art infrastructure in a total area of   64.000 m 2   (including military type trailer design and production).
         with the latest growth.                                Shelter production was carried out until 2016.

         With the priority it gives to unique design and production   In 2006, with the foresight that the Turkish Army would
         in its products, Nurol Makina has been awarded R&D     need mine resistant vehicles, the project for developing a
         Center  status  by  the  Ministry  of  Science,  Industry  and   new mine resistant 6x6 armored vehicle was started wholly
         Technology within the scope of Law no 5746.            in-house within Nurol Makina, the design work and mine

                                                                                               Nurol Makina Test Area

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