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         in Türkiye. November showcased the watercolor works  This  year,  in  March,  we  will  be  participating  in  the
         of  İlhan  Şenova,  whose  architectural  background  Artankara Art Fair with our young artists. Our goal is to
         deeply  influenced  his  creations.  Our  November-  represent  our  gallery  in  the  best  possible  way  and  to
         December  exhibition  highlighted  the  esteemed  works  provide support for our emerging artists in showcasing
         of  Professors  Hayati  Misman,  Süleyman  Saim  Tekcan,  their talents to a wider audience.
         Devrim Erbil, and Fevzi Karakoç, prominent figures in the
                                                              Next month, we will be organizing a book signing event
         field  of  printmaking,  attracting  considerable  attention.
                                                              and interview with the author Ayla Kutlu.
         December's  exhibition  highlighted  Totem  Sculptures
         by  Bodrum-based  sculptor  Zehra  Kayataş,  crafted   Our  exhibition  featuring  sculptor  Zehra  Kayataş  was
         from natural materials and infused with profound     recently featured on Kanal B's program "Sanatın Adımları"
         philosophy. In the upcoming months, we are excited to   The  program  was  fully  dedicated  to  showcasing  our
         open exhibitions by Gürbüz Doğan Ekşioğlu, İrfan Okan,   gallery and exhibition, airing last Thursday and Sunday.
         Professor  Atilla  Atar  from  Eskişehir,  and  Işıl  Özışık,  a
         revered figure in watercolor art.                    Our Nurolsanat Book Club, comprising 41 members,
                                                              reads and discusses a book every month during meetings.
         While our exhibition program continues at our gallery,
         we also pursue painting activities through Nurolatölye   This  season,  we  are  also  conducting  visits  to  the
         and host interviews and book signing events with artists   executives of our companies. We attach great importance
         and  notable  figures  in  literature.  Last  month,  we  had   to these visits, as they serve to assess the condition of
         the pleasure of interviewing author Leyla Serpil about   the artwork in our company buildings and strengthen
         her book 'Ruhumun Acelesi Var,' during which she also   the connection between our gallery and our companies.
         signed  copies  of  her  book.  These  occasions  serve  as   Our overarching goal is to foster a close relationship
         intersections between literature and the visual arts.  between the entire Nurol family and art, as well as with
                                                              our gallery.
         We conduct live broadcasts with our artists on social
         media to expand the reach of our events. Additionally,   Our motto, “Art is life,” will always be more than just
         we upload these broadcasts to the Nurolsanat YouTube   words on the windows of our gallery—it will be a guiding
         page to ensure their permanence.                     principle in all aspects of our lives.

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