Page 4 - World Of Nurol Magazine 35
P. 4


         p.06                      p.10                       p.14                       p.28

         Message from the           Visit to Anıtkabir        Sustainability and Social   Quality Practices
         President                                            Responsibility News
                                    Nurol Group of                                       Nurol Integrated
         With the happiness         Companies visit to        We will continue to create   Management System has
         and hope of welcoming      Anıtkabir.                an environment that        been renewed.
         yet another new year,                                contributes to the longevity
         I extend my warmest                                  of future generations.
         greetings to you all.

         p.30                      p.34                       p.38                       p.42

         Mining News                Machine News              Technology News            FNSS News

         The 5th Community          Nurol Makina participated   IDEF 2023 International   FNSS at IDEF 2023
         Development Program        in the 16th IDEF 2023     Defense Industry
         Monitoring and             Exhibition.               Exhibition.
         Consultation Meeting
         was held in Lapseki and
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