Page 49 - World Of Nurol Magazine 31
P. 49

Football is like an ancestor sport in Turkey. Little boys
      play games in their neighborhoods, they support a
      team and they follow the games closely. What can you
      tell us about football in Turkey and abroad from this
      perspective? In which countries is football as popular
      as it is in Turkey?

      Football is a game that is watched and played
      enthusiastically almost everywhere in the world. It is
      also a huge industry, and it is the countries that manage
      these two aspects of football that excel. Turkey is one of
      a few countries that show such enthusiasm toward, and
      spend so much money on football. It should be noted that
      the passion for football among the supporters in Turkey
      resembles that of the supporters in South America.
      South American people live and breathe football, to the
      point that it sometimes interferes in daily life.

      As a person who travels a lot, which culture or region
      you have visited affected you the most?

      Thanks to my refereeing career and business life, I
      have had the opportunity to visit 35 countries on three
      continents. Among them, South America was the one
      that had the greatest impact on me. The climate of the
      continent, together with the sincerity and positivity of
      the people, despite the unfavorable conditions, appeal
      me. I have terrific memories of Brazil, and especially of

      Who are the most important people in your business
      or sporting life from which you have learned the most?
      Which aspects of their character affected you?                                                       Tarık ONGUN with his
      I have worked in some of the most prominent holdings in                                               friends Şarlo and Rio
      Turkey with industry-leaders and doyen managers. Now
      in Nurol, I work with highly distinguished people who
      direct Turkish business life. Football, on the other hand,  You may choose not to answer this question: do you
      has given me the chance to work with stakeholders both  have any regrets in your personal or professional life?
      in Turkey and abroad. That’s why I consider myself lucky.  Would you like to share them?
      All of these relationships have shaped my 25 years of
      business life, my refereeing career and my private life,  I am very down-to-earth while making important
      and have led my perception of the world to change over  decisions, and so I have no huge “if onlys”. That said, I
      the years. I offer my sincere gratitude to everyone who  would have loved to have tried my hand at theater. I have
      has enriched my life.                                     great respect for the theater and actors.

      There are two people, however, who are very special to  Finally, we would like to hear your hopes for the future.
      me, both of which are Italian.                            What messages would you like to send to the Nurol
                                                                Family and our readers?
      The first of these people is Franco Gillio Tos. When I
      was assigned as Marketing Director of Otoyol-IVECO  I am a relative newcomer to the Nurol Family, but it feels
      at the age of 25, he was the Deputy General Manager  like I have spent considerable time here with you.
      supervising the Marketing Department. As a 60-year-
      old doyen in the sector, he was very disciplined, and very  I have felt the affection, warmth and support of everyone,
      much enjoyed working and teaching. He taught me how  especially Mr. Nurettin Çarmıklı and Mr. Oğuz Çarmıklı,
      to analyze everything in business life analytically, to be  and do my best to serve the whole Family efficiently.
      good with numbers and to be goal-driven.                  I am sure Nurol REIT will reach its goals thanks to the
                                                                contributions of its experienced staff, and hope the
      The other person is Giovanni Stefenato, who was an  future brings productivity, efficiency and positivity to
      assistant referee to Pierluigi Collina in the early 2000s,  whole Nurol Family.
      and who has been working as an assistant referee trainer
      in FIFA, UEFA and Turkey for the last 10 years. I admire
      his perception of the game, the rules and refereeing, and   And we would like to thank Tarık Ongun, Member of
      his passion and never ending drive for perfection.         the Board of Directors of Nurol REIT, for the valuable
                                                                                        information he shared with us.
      How would you describe yourself in a few sentences?
 England v Croatia (2018 World Cup Semi Final)
 Tarık ONGUN, Björn KUIPERS, Luka MOODRIC, Cüneyt ÇAKIR, Harry KANE,Bahattin DURAN  I am a positive, hardworking, curious, social and analytical   Interview: Meral SARI CEYLAN
      person with a passion for learning. Sport, the sea and
      music are essential for me.

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