Page 46 - World Of Nurol Magazine 31
P. 46

makes it possible for residents to enjoy a view of the  Turkish customers will regain their appetite with  the
       historical  peninsula  from  one  side  and  the  Bosphorus  drop in interest rates in the medium and long term.
       from the other. The offices and houses in Nurol Life,
       Nurol Tower and Nurol Park have almost sold out, with  What do you think about the huge interest in Turkey
       75 percent, 60 percent and 85 percent sold, respectively.  among foreigners, especially in Istanbul? How does this
       The remaining stock will be sold over the next 2 years.  interest reflect on Nurol REIT?

       Being a manager in the real estate sector must be  Istanbul and Turkey are among the best places to
       difficult these days due to the fluctuations in the  live in the world. The weather, sea, greenery, culture,
       market as a result of the economic conditions in Turkey.  history and food appeal to everyone, and there are
       You have been working in this sector for years, so what  many options for both investment and living. Thanks
       do you think the future will bring?                      to the improvements made to legislation over the last 2
                                                                years, foreigners are now allowed to purchase houses in
       The Turkish real estate sector is evolving, having  Turkey, and Nurol REIT changed its Sales and Marketing
       transitioned from the Sell-and-Build model that was  structure accordingly, adapting itself to this new trend.
       in demand 10 years ago, to a Build-and-Sell model.  In the last year, 80 percent of our sales have been made
       Furthermore, the macroeconomic conditions have led to  to foreign buyers.
       a considerable decrease in market mobility.
                                                                Nowadays, 4 percent of the real estate sold annually in
       Many companies were not ready for this in terms  Turkey is to foreigners. I think sales to foreigners will
       of capital structure, and the unfavorable economic  reach 10–15 percent of the total in the coming 2–3 years.
       conditions have made it harder to do business through
       borrowing. The high interest rates and fluctuations in  Let’s talk about your personal life. Do you have time
       foreign exchange rates have led Turkish customers who  to spend on your hobbies, and what are they? What do
       want to buy houses, either to live in or as an investment,  you do to relax?
       to hesitate in making purchase decisions.
                                                                Business life and refereeing have taught me how to lead
       The following 5–10 years will see credible companies  an organized and planned life, and I do my best to plan
       with strong financial structures and clear stocks gaining  and spend my time efficiently.
       strength through financial instruments aimed at
       supporting the Build-and-Sell model.                     I have two Golden Retrievers that I spend time with when
                                                                I am at home. Training, watching movies, reading books
       The  Personal  Pension  System  (PPS),  Real Estate  and learning Spanish have also kept me busy recently.
       Investment Trusts (REIT) and Foreign Customers will  I try to keep up with the theater, concerts and other
       provide new markets for the sale of products.            cultural activities Istanbul has to offer as a part of its rich
                                                                social life.

                                    Argentina v Nigeria (2018 World Cup Group 3rd Game)
                                  Lionel MESSI, Bahattin DURAN, Cüneyt ÇAKIR, Tarık ONGUN

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