Page 45 - World Of Nurol Magazine - 25
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the relations with personnel, first of all let us not forget
that we are human beings and then let us work hand in
hand with discipline for success.
Are you a perfectionist and meticulous?
I must admit that I am perfectionist and meticulous.
Sometimes I also complain from this. I cannot easily say
“So what, let it be like this”. At the end I do not feel at ease. we must not live with the words of regret “ if only..”.
But sometimes when the time has priority and becomes
vitally important, I make concessions to perfectionism How did you meet your wife?
unintentionally, by logical and objective, in other words goal-
oriented thinking. Because completion of a work in due time, It was the autumn of 1984. I was one of the three judges of the
although it is not perfect, is more important and useful than military court located in Van. I took a short leave and visited
failing to complete a perfect work or failing to complete it Izmir, my hometown. My aunt in Karşıyaka told me that a
in due time. Like all average human beings, I would not be close family friend of her neighbor and friend has a daughter
happy to see my mistakes. But I listen to the criticism and recently graduated from the faculty of pharmacy and that she
I try to take lessons. I think that being open to criticism is wants to introduce her to me. We were introduced to each JULY 2012 Feyiz Erdoğan, Batuhan Erdoğan, Gül Erdoğan, Elvan Gonca Erdoğan
important for self - improvement. Sincerely, I can tolerate it other in a social environment. Later we started dating and
even if it annoys me at certain times. after a short time we took a decision for marriage and we to
got married in August 1985. My wife moved from Izmir to
Calm nature - anger ... Van as a new bride. in Kağızman. I was the singer and the guitarist. We were the who can pass from melody to melody in the same song
How do you define yourself? Can we have information about your children? unchanging group of the military balls in Kağızman. My other almost like a symphony style and who can do it in a surprising
major area of interest is tennis. I started playing tennis in manner. Moreover, the composition of the majority of his
Actually I’m not as calm as I seem. Sometimes I am forced We have two children. The elder one is a girl called Elvan the military academy. We were the first tennis team of the songs belongs to him. Sertab Erener is also a great performer
to be patient. For example, if something unfair is spoken or Gonca. She was born in 1988 in Çorlu when we were appointed Military Academy. My knees have trembled when I went out musician whom I like. Among the movies, I like the films of
realized beside me, I feel that I am forced to wait patiently from Van to Çorlu. After graduating from Ankara Çankaya to the court to play my first official game in Ankara Tennis the actors Tom Hanks and Richard Gere. Steven Spielberg is
for my turn. I eat my heart out and I definitely try to say what Primary School and the secondary school and high school of Club (ATK). I have 4 first prize cups and 1 second prize cup at my favorite director. And also Quentin Tarantino, who is full
must be said until it is my turn. Mostly I am angry against Yüce College, she attended to and graduated from Istanbul home, which I have won in various tournaments. I still play of surprises. He is also incredibly creative. In general, I like
injustice. Sometimes I easily show my anger. Although I know Faculty of Law. After working in several law offices, she doubles winter and summer leagues in ATK. We can also talk films containing sections from the history or from the events
that anger is something that must be controlled sometimes I started working in FNSS. She is currently working there as the about skiing. I go skiing since 1983. Skiing is also a branch that have actually occurred.
make self-criticism due that I failed to control it sufficiently. I assistant of the legal consultant. Our son Batuhan, who is of sport that I love. I must also talk about swimming. I had
go out for a walk at first opportunity when I am angry. I calm our second child, was born in 1996. He attended the primary practiced for a time in the swimming team in War Academy What do you think is the greatest invention in
down with a long walk. Furthermore, if there is time, a tennis school, secondary school and the high school in Ankara TED and I am still swimming long track. I am only watching the
match played loudly finally calms me down. football. I am a fan of Karşıyaka and Galatasaray. My new human history?
College. He graduated from IB section of TED last year in
Your “If only”s? June.. He is now studying in the freshman class of UBC in the favorite team is Beşiktaş since June 2013. It is very difficult to make a single selection. The most
department which we can briefly call Science in University of important discoveries are the printing press and the wheels.
Ultimately, I also had “if only..” words of regret, like all other British Colombia (UBC) located in Vancouver / Canada. His Can you spare time for cultural activities like But if you insistently say choose one of them I will say that
human beings. But I may say that I did not experience any aim is to become a physicist. music / cinema? it is the “wheel”. Previously there was the horse, but the
big “if only..”, which will remain in the center of my life and wheels mobilized the humans. People could go from one
which will deeply effect me. During the lifetime, the human Could you talk about your hobbies? We already talked about music. My favorite type of music
being faces small crossroads and goes to a destination by Sports and music are my two unchangeable hobbies since is polyphonic music, which basically includes a beautiful place to another more comfortably and they developed
taking a decision at that crossroad. This decision may not be my childhood. I started playing mandolin in the 5th grade melody, harmony, rhythm as well as the emotion and the by learning something from each other.
regarded as important at that time but when they are added of the primary school and I was promoted to guitar after a basic message. Which means that it is contemporary. I love
one after the other, a very important situation may come year. I never forget that after sitting and trying the vocal all types of music that includes the features mentioned
into existence. While taking those little decisions, it is not harmony several times with my new guitar, I thought I above. But first there must be a backbone melody. It means We thank you very much for your valuable sharings
always possible for a person to know the consequences. Fate have discovered a few chords on the guitar. Then I was in that when you say “come on, play it by whistling” there shall Mr. Feyiz.
sometimes may drag you to someplace. Thus, I say that if we possession of a guitar book. I noticed that the chords which be a melody which you can whistle. In the last decade, my
have made an objective and sound evaluation that must be I have discovered after many trials were already existing and favorite in Turkey is Feridun Düzağaç. The reason is that he
done under the conditions of that day and if we have taken were written in the guitar book. I learned to play by myself by is one of those providing quality to the Turkish market which Meral SARI CEYLAN
the right decision in accordance with the conditions of that playing the chords. I still have my guitar at home. Sometimes has become relatively cheap. Furthermore he is a person who
day, we must not blame ourselves for the future results and can offer an incredible romance between hard rock rhythms,
I play and sing. We had established an orchestra when I was
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