Page 43 - World Of Nurol Magazine - 25
P. 43

Did you realize your dreams?

 companies. All legal affairs starting from information
 exchange and confidentiality agreements in the first             I think I realized some of them. My main goal was to
 stage and the partnership agreements, contracts,                 make something useful for my country and people. I
 follow-up of the disputes in the last stage and briefly          think I made very important things for Turkey when I was
 all legal affairs involving foreigners are included in our       in the General Staff. I always wanted to be able to speak
 field  of  interest.    The  perspective  which  we  consider    on behalf of my country. And I realized that. I sat behind
 TURKISH - AMERICAN WORKS COUNCIL 1988  important and concentrate on is to provide “preventive   the nameplate “Turkey” in many international and NATO
 legal services”. It means to ensure that a work is done          meetings and spoke on behalf of Turkey.  I defended
 appropriately and lawfully right from the start and to           Turkey in the European Court of Human Rights. I was
 prevent occurrence of any legal problem afterwards.              willing to punish the guilty and to protect the innocent. I
 Furthermore, I am the authorized signatory together              realized that. When I was serving as a judge, I saw how
 with the relevant general manager for signing the                the innocent man cried and prayed after the acquittal
 agreements concluded between all our companies and               judgment I have rendered. In Nurol Here, I think we are
 the foreigners.         MARCH 1983 - KAĞIZMAN                    making significant contribution to the national economy
                                                                  with the added value created and with the taxes paid
 What are the advantages and disadvantages                        by us and we are making contribution to economic and
 of working in the same group for a long time?  created by our colleagues has a very big share in   social life especially with the employment provided by
         provision and development of this feeling. The love -    us. I am happy due to this reason.
 First I must sincerely say the following. I am coming   respect - trust trio existing among me and the bosses
 from a sort of loyalty and commitment culture. I was   and other friends and the peace of mind it provides is  Future plans? The things you want to do

 raised with this culture in the army. As far as the private   much more important for me.Therefore, I had no other
 sector is concerned, it took the place of the army, which   pursuit after I came here. You become a family when   I would like to make a contribution to the management of
 is my home.  Of course, the intimacy established by   you work for more than 15 years in the same place.   the country, if possible. Sometimes I compare this event
 our bosses who make us feel this place as our home   You embrace your company well as an institution. As a   with the rowing boats of the old age. If the country is a
 and the friendship and companionship environment   natural result of it, you are working as if the company is   big boat taken to a destination by rowing oars, we must
                                                                  all row oars to the extent of our power. I do not prefer
         your own company. It means that extensive “sense of      to postpone my plans socially. I realize them whenever
 Refika Erdoğan, Rahmi Erdoğan, Feyiz Erdoğan, Leziz Erdoğan  belonging” is developing. Because the boat which we try   I find a chance. Particularly, I realized most of my trip
 Savaştepe / BALIKESİR, 1964  to float belongs to all of us and we are all in the same   plans. The place which I want to visit at first opportunity
         boat. The only thing I would say as a disadvantage is: The   is Cuba, while Castro is living!
         difficulty of changing the status caused by being taken
 Could you tell us about your mission in Nurol?
         for granted and being accustomed to and the progress!
 When I first came to Nurol, I was first assigned as              What if we say relations with the personnel? !
 the Legal Consultant of the Defense Group. It was the   Is there any person whom you say I have learned  Actually, you must ask this question to the personnel,
 beginning of January 1999. At that time there was a   a lot in your professional life?  but for me, it is good. More precisely, I am striving to
 quite big organization called as the Defense Group . It          make it good. I have always tried to develop a duty based
 was lead by Mr. Şinasi Büyüklü as the coordinator. We   Due that I have spent my professional life in different  relationship with my personnel. What is important for
 were following up the Turkish Armed Forces Main Battle   environments, when I think now, I’ve learned something  me is doing the job in due time and with high quality.
 Tank project, which was the most exciting project of   from everyone. I deeply appreciated the statement  I try not to pressurize persons in terms of permits and
 those days. Our Nurol Machinery has established a joint   “not knowing is not a shame, not learning is a shame”.  other social aspects. I am convinced of the following:
 venture with General Dynamics and BMC. This was our   I tried to learn something from everyone. I was open to  If we expect people to work better, we must allow
 biggest project. Furthermore we were providing support   learning and reaped its benefits. I have learned a lot from  them to have a good rest and to have fun. We have to
 to FNSS in all of its projects. We were providing all   my superiors and supervisors on subjects like leadership,  be thoughtful  against them. Empathize  with them.
 legal support to Nurol Machinery as well. After 2 years   management and especially crisis management. When I  Furthermore,  it  is  also  important  to  ensure  that  the
 of quite intensive work, we have restructured the legal   was a judge in the courts, I learned a lot from superior  people come to work with love and desire. Another
 services within the Holding in 2001 and the International   Judge brothers. As an example one of them is “it must  principle of mine is that: “Whatever work you perform,
 Chief Legal Consultancy Office is established and I   be  hard  in principle  and  polite  in  wording”. When I  perform the best work and at the end feel pride with the
 was appointed as the Chief Legal Consultant. I am   came to the private sector, I learned something again  work you have performed.” At the end, a good manager
 performing the same task continuously since that day.   from my bosses and all of my superiors I have closely  must primarily be a good leader.  In order to be a leader
 We are working with Başak Çankayalı since the first   worked with. Mentioning some names may be unfair to  you must build-up respect and trust around you as the
 day I came to Nurol. In the past we were reinforced by   the others.  But I learned many valuable things from  first priority. Then the leader must be leading the way,
 one more colleagues from time to time but now we are   everyone I worked under or together in Nurol. I think  must know how to take risk and assume responsibility,
 two persons as the key staff. We are taking part in all   the point here with key importance is to be open to  if necessary and must protect the employees working
 legal stages of the international relations of all Nurol   learning and self-development.  under him. Ultimately if I summarize my perspective of

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