Page 5 - World Of Nurol Magazine-22
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“Most people only dream about the future, Niğde, Elazığ, Mardin and all around Turkey.
but the leaders are the ones who are also Ordu Highway, the groundbreaking ceremony
constructing it.” of which was held on 15 July 2012, was
designed to provide ease of transportation to
M. Oğuz ÇARMIKLI, Vice President of the people of our beautiful Black Sea, where
Board of Directors of Nurol Holding, was the whitest waves lap up against the shore
among the businessmen who received 2012 by communing with blue and green. In this
leadership award. For the ninth time, the month’s issue, we put this visual richness
Leadership Summit was reunited with the onto our magazine’s cover page just to share
business world in Turkey. This year’s main it with you. We hope for the best for the
subject was “Leaders’ Roadmap”. project from now on.
Co-founders of Nurol Group of Companies, Mr. Today, not only in our county, but also in
Nurettin ÇARMIKLI, Mr. Erol ÇARMIKLI Georgia, Algeria, Arabia, UAE, Russia,
and Mr. M. Oğuz ÇARMIKLI brothers are Turkmenistan, Libya, Afghanistan, Poland,
“the leaders who built dreams” and thus, Iraq, Malaysia, Morocco and many countries
they knew how to set the course successfully all around the world have the overtones of
from the 20th century to the 21st century. implicit trust towards the name of Nurol.
By means of a common vision, they looked We tried to convey the latest news about the
forward, monitored the differences and tried top-level visits and negotiations that have
hard to avoid presumptive crises by taking been convening realized in recent months.
the advantages of sustainable competition.
They adapted themselves to the innovations Our activities, some of which you may see
of a changing world, but at the same time in our magazine, have been conducted in
they placed emphasis on keeping the values environments where the Nurol Family became
of the past alive. While taking the full integrated with friendship, fraternity and
responsibility of their destination point, endearment. Today Nurol world continues to
they have always adopted the idea of being run as always with the strenght taken from its
in the competition rather than winning the employers, customers and the society. And for
competition. now, we and all our friends who contributed
to this magazine would like to say goodbye
Therefore, NUROL’s history of more than and hope to meet you again.
half a century is full of marks that they left in
Ağrı, Hatay, Ardahan, Ceyhan, İstanbul, Söke,
Manavgat, Sivas, Gümüşhame, İskenderun, Best regards,