Page 5 - World Of Nurol Magazine-18
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Yes we can!
The Ankara Sheraton Hotel, owned by Nurol Holding, once again hosted an extremely important The heroes in the picture on the cover page of our the World of Nurol magazine are them. Both
guest past April. US President Barack Hüseyin OBAMA came to Turkey in his first overseas visit. have reached theri goals! That is because they both believed whole-heartedly that they could do it
At the hotel, our Chairman of the Board Nurettin ÇARMIKLI was there to welcome him as the host. and said : “Yes, we can do it!”
Barack OBAMA was elected the 44th president of the US, the most important country playing the When looking at this picture, one can not help but think how life is full of great surprises. Nurettin
role of the world leader. He happens to be a politician who in the eyes of not only his own people but ÇARMIKLI and Barack H. OBAMA are side by side. One is the protagonist of a climbing up
the people around the world, gives a lot of hope about being a true leader. His stand on the issues, saga which began at an early age in a remote part of Turkey, and the other is the leader of a
his revolutionary speeches, and his election victory caught the world with a surprise. Separated from success story born to a father from Kenya, a far away country at the other side of the globe, and an
his father at the age of two, he was raised by his mother and his maternal family. Despite a dazzling American mother... These two people may have reached the apex in their career, but at the same
career, he was still too young, black, and faced formidable competitors. In the foreword he wrote for time, they were always their fathers’ sons. Because, the common theme in the books they both
his book in 1995 he said: “.. he was a cautious person, and he tries not to have high expectations...” wrote was the word: “FATHER.” One of them got separated from his father when he was two,
14 years later, he became the president of the US! It is also a known fact that he happens to be the and the other was seventeen.
most trusted US president of all. If this is not to expect too much, then what is it?..
“Dreams From My Father”: Barack OBAMA
In his address to his fervent supporters after his election victory, he said: “…Change came to the “I promised my Father”: Nurettin ÇARMIKLI
US; and a dream became a reality.” And he added :” This is a victory of the people. We are aware of
the challenges of tomorrow. Without you, without the spirit of sacrifice we won’t be able to realize Fathers play important roles in our lives. Whether we lose them at an early age, or we never see
this change. Each and every one of us needs to work harder and care for one another. “ Toward the them, or even if they had left us, they always occupy the apex of our dreams...
end of his speech, Obama, uttered the following words: “The road ahead of us will be long and hard. On the occasion of this meaningful event coinciding with Father’s Day which we celebrated in
May be, we won’t be able to get where we would like to be in the next four years. But I can promise June, I would like to recongratulate our past Father’s Day.
you that one day we shall realize our goals. Yes, we can do it!”
With love and respect,
Despite the impending crisis, we believe that not only the US but the world as well, began to look at Meral CEYLAN
the future with more confidence.
Nurettin ÇARMIKLI is the Chairman of the Board of a holding company who made major
contributions to his country through his over half a century of work life and the values he has held
dearly. At the age of seventeen, despite being a good student, he had to drop out of school and
leave his family in order to find a job. He was way too young, and lost his father too early in life;
shouldered a lot of responsibility for his family. When he began doing the same works as the people
around him, that is construction, he had no other idea than to move forward in this direction with
determination and desire.
When he first set up his business he stayed with his workers and engineers in the same living
quarters; and did not go home for days in order to give them encouragement and boost their morale.
Under the existing conditions in Turkey at the time, he had to fight with scarcity of things that were
available, with the bandits, and with the outside pressures. Nothing deterred him from keeping his
promises and he always kept faith. The fire within made him soar higher and higher. He viewed
the problems he faced not as excuses but as challenges to be turned into opportunities. His “Yes, we
can do it!” motto was his slogan for realizing his goals. As a result of this, Nurol Holding, a world
company owned by Nurettin, Erol and Oğuz ÇARMIKLI brothers, together with its employees,
continues to sign off on pioneering, exemplary and successful projects. In his address to the
employees at the bginning of last year, Mr. Nurettin ÇARMIKLI said:” We have come all this way
as a result of your self-sacrificing and successful works. By working harder, we shall pass over this
difficult period together in unity and we shall continue to do good deeds for our country.
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