Page 25 - Annual Report 2019
P. 25

Another contract for the landslide improvement works on the   completed and opened to traffic whereas construction works at
         same route as in our Ordu Ring Road project was tendered and   the other sections are ongoing in accordance with the project
         awarded to us in July 2016. The works in scope was completed   schedule.
         on October 2017 and provisional acceptance was realized, final
         acceptance was realized on October 2018.               Construction works in Boukhroufa Dam project which was
                                                                secured on 2013 for 79,8 Million USD contract. The dam is
         Supplementary works of the project were also secured by the   located on the Boukhroufa Stream, 9 km south of the city of
         Joint Venture led by Nurol Construction. 584,5 million TL worth   Bouteldja, with an aim to provide irrigation water to
         supplementary works contract was signed on July 2017 and is   agricultural lands in the region. Clay core earth fill dam will
         ongoing in accordance with project schedule.           rise 87 m high from the foundation. Once completed, its
                                                                reservoir will have  86 million m³ storage capacity. Within the
         Under the scope of Ümraniye-Ataşehir-Göztepe Metro Line   project scope 2.100.000 m³ excavation, 4.900.000 m³ fill,
         Project which was secured and signed with İstanbul Municipality   100.000 m³ concrete and 12.400 tons of steel works will be
         on 2017, construction of 13 km long double tube TBM tunnel,          carried out. Contract value is expected to reach 150 million
         2 train depots (NATM) and connection tunnels (NATM) is being   USD upon completion.
         implemented. Project includes total of 11 stations distributed as
         5 main shaft+tunnel type, 4 cut and cover type an 2 tunnel type   Souk Tleta Dam, which is another dam under construction by
         stations. Once completed, 2,47 billion TL worth project will   Nurol Construction in  Algeria, is located on the Bougdoura
         connect 3 districts at Anatolian side of İstanbul.     Stream, 8 km south of the city of Draa Ben Khedda, with a view
                                                                to provide irrigation and drinking water to Tizi Ouzou and
         Yeşilyaka Housing Project construction works, which is being   Boumerdes regions. The clay core earth fill dam will rise 95 m
         implemented in 2 stages and 6 phases in İstanbul Büyükçekmece   high from the foundation. Once completed, its reservoir will
         - Sırtköy with an investment value of 500 million USD, have
                                                                have 90 million m³ storage capacity. Within the project scope
         been in progress. The Project scope includes the construction of   1.500.000 m³ excavation, 1.400.000 m³ fill, 124.000 m³ concrete
         villas, social facilities and sales office which will be executed in   and 3.600 tons of steel works will be carried out. Contract value
         our 1.008.732 m² land.  The first stage (Koru) of the project,   is expected to reach 105 million EURO upon completion.
         implemented on 320.000 m² land in 3 phases, comprises the
         construction of 173  Villas, social facilities, commercial and   In Morocco, our 82 km long road project with highway
         common areas. Handing over of the villas are ongoing in the   standards was completed and opened to traffic. 150 million
         first stage. Construction works at stage 2 which comprises of   EUR worth contract consists of Lots 3 and 4 of El Jadida-Safi
         472 villas, social facilities and commercial areas on 625.400 m²   Motorway project.
         land are also ongoing in accordance with the schedule.
                                                                The Gulf Region maintains its position to be an important
         In Algeria, another country where we carry out our activities, our   focal point for NUROL Construction Co. Apart from our
         latest Motorway Project Linking Tizi – Ouzou with East - West   successfully completed twenty one landmark projects, we
         Highway, awarded to us with a contract value of 460 million   currently have seven ongoing projects in United  Arab
         EUR and together with additional works and quantity increases,   Emirates.  Among our projects in UAE, final acceptance
         contract value is expected to reach 1 billion Euro upon   was  realized  on  July  2019  at  our  Marina  City Villas  and
         completion. Scope of the project includes construction of 48 km   Residential Buildings project in Abu Dhabi which includes
         long motorway together with a 1,7 km long double tube tunnel,   67 high-end VIP Villas and 4 Residential Towers (G+12F+R)
         21 viaducts, smaller engineering structures and drainage   over common podium/car park with a total closed area of
         systems. Section between Km: 0+000 and 10+000 has been   123.000m². Value of the project is 675 million AED.

                                                                                       Boukhroufa Dam, El Tarf/ALGERIA

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