Page 23 - Annual Report 2019
P. 23

Eyiste Viaduct, Konya/TURKEY

         61 bridges, 58 underpasses, 202 box culverts, 6.500.000 tons of   bridges in Siirt and Batman provinces, was realized on October
         pavement works, 1 operation and maintenance area, 5 toll   2017, final acceptance was realized on October 2018. 73,9 million
         gates, 5 interchanges and 3 motorway service facilities were   TL supplementary works contract was signed on April 2017 and
         completed.                                             construction works are planning to complete on May 2020.

         NUROL Tower Business Complex and Nurol Park projects were   229,5 million TL contract was signed for Construction Works of
         completed on 2016 and works for NUROL Life Multipurpose   Eyiste Viaduct Project on December 2016. A 1.372 m long and
         Complex Project were completed on 2017 under the scope of   25m wide viaduct will be constructed under the scope of the
         Nurol REIT's 800 million USD investment in İstanbul. NUROL   project, which will become one of the highest balanced
         Tower Çaglayan Business Complex was built on a 6.800 m²   cantilever beam viaducts of the world. The viaduct will have 2
         project area and consists of 74.000 m² closed area whereas   end and 8 mid piers with heights ranging from 42 to 165 m.
         NUROL Park Project scope consists construction of nine multi -
         purpose blocks with a total 323.500 m² closed area on turn - key   Construction works at Yusufeli Dam Bridges project, that has
         basis. Finally, a 50 floor tower and a base building complex with   been awarded to Nurol Construction in 2017 are ongoing in
         a total of 142.000 m² closed area were successfully completed   accordance with the schedule. 4 viaducts will be constructed
         and handed over under our NUROL Life Project scope.    with the balanced cantilever method. 644 m long Tekkale
                                                                (Hazuket) Viaduct, 695 m long Yusufeli Viaduct, 340 m long
         Progress of the works at our Ilısu Dam and HEPP Project   Yusufeli Dam  Viaduct and 530 m long Şilenkar viaduct
         was exceeded 99% and water impoundment has began on    constitutes the project scope. Contract value of the project is
         June 2019.  The project is being constructed by an     355,8 million TL.
         international consortium under the leadership of NUROL
         as a concrete faced rock fill dam with 24 million m³ dam   Construction works are ongoing at for Silifke-Mut
         body to generate 4,1 billion kWh energy per annum with   Motorway Project that has been awarded to Nurol
                                                                Construction in 2017. Within the scope of the 504,6 million
         1.200 MW capacity. Total value of the project is expected to
         reach 780 million EUR upon completion. Ilısu Dam and   TL  contract, 14,2 km two by two highway, 3 NATM tunnels
         HEPP will have the second largest dam body and fourth   with a total length of 6.860 m and a cable stayed 2. Kılıç
         biggest installed capacity of Turkey.                  Arslan Bridge will be constructed.
                                                                Value of completed items for our ongoing Ordu Ring Road
         Our  MARMARAY  Bosphorus Tube  Crossing Project,  which  is
                                                                Project has come to the original contract figure in year 2015
         one of the major infrastructure projects of Turkey linking both
         sides of Istanbul through an undersea immersed tube rail   and final contract value reached 550 million TL together with
         tunnel, was implemented by a Turkish - Japanese Joint Venture,   cost escalations and another 20% additional contract granted
         in which NUROL is among the local partners. Final acceptance   by the Employer. 6 double tube tunnels with a total length of
         of the project, which had a value of approximately 1,3 billion   9,5 km, 7 viaducts with a total length of 3,7 km, 5 bridges and
         USD, was realized and operation was commenced as of 29  of   7 intersections constitutes the project scope of 2x2 lane 21,4
         October 2013.                                          km long highway. After the works within the scope of the
                                                                contract have been completed, provisional acceptance was
         Provisional acceptance for the 136 million  TL worth main   realized on December 2017 and the final acceptance was
         contract works of the Construction Works of Hasankeyf Highway   realized on December 2018. 10,7 km long section of Ordu
         Bridges project, which includes the construction of 465 m long   Ring Road between Perşembe and Otogar Intersections were
         Hasankeyf-1, 1.001 m long Hasankeyf-2 and 169 m long Başur   opened to traffic on March 2019.

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