Page 81 - World Of Nurol Magazine 35
P. 81

High School, only two of us chose to study at the Faculty   for many years. His mentorship and guidance have greatly
         of Law out of 114 students. Most of my friends opted   contributed to my professional development and where I am
         for Medicine or Engineering. Upon entering law school, I   today.
         didn't have many expectations regarding the legal system
                                                              As an academic, the works of Prof. Fikret Eren and Prof.
         and order. However, after graduating and entering the
                                                              Haluk Tandoğan have always been indispensable sources of
         workforce, I faced challenges in connecting the theoretical
                                                              reference for me. In practice, I have also drawn inspiration
         knowledge I gained with real-life legal practices. While I
                                                              from numerous members of the Supreme Court, with the late
         was familiar with the courthouse environment and legal
                                                              Nail Özkılıç being particularly influential.
         discussions, being actively involved as a lawyer proved to
         be a different experience altogether.                I have amassed a vast collection of law publications, acquiring
                                                              works in various branches of law that align with my interests.
                                                              These include zoning legislation, condominium law, corporate
                                                              law, as well as contracts such as lease agreements, service
                                                              contracts, and proxy contracts within the scope of the law of
         LAWYER INSTEAD OF PURSUING ROLES                     obligations. I would even acquire decisions of the Supreme
         AS A JUDGE, PROSECUTOR, OR ANY                       Court of Appeals General Assembly of Law before they were
                                                              officially published.

         My aspiration was to become a judge, and after graduating
         from the faculty, I promptly applied for the judgeship
         profession. I successfully passed the exam and began working
         as a candidate judge in Ankara in 1987. However, following
         the 1980 Turkish coup d'état, my father's parliamentary duties
         concluded, prompting his return to Erzurum to resume his law
         practice. Around the same time, my sister, a doctor, fell ill, and
         upon learning that treatment options were limited in Türkiye,
         my father took her abroad for medical care. Consequently,
         my career as a judge was cut short before it truly commenced,
         confined to an internship. I began working as a lawyer in
         Erzurum to take over my father's law office, yet the desire
         to pursue a career as a judge lingered in my heart. Upon
         my father's return from abroad, he suggested establishing
         a law office in Ankara, which seemed fitting. With Olcayto,
         the son of my father's childhood friend and my classmate
         from the faculty, we opened an office in Ankara. However,
         the challenges of operating as a freelance lawyer, particularly
         in a metropolitan area, proved formidable. Factors such as
         networking and securing clients posed significant obstacles.   YOU HAVE BEEN WORKING WITH NUROL
         Consequently, our venture did not unfold as envisioned,   GROUP FOR MANY YEARS. COULD YOU
         which ultimately led to the beginning of the Nurol journey.  SHARE HOW THIS COLLABORATION
                                                              CAME ABOUT?

                                                              As  I  mentioned  earlier,  my  experience  as  a  freelance
         WHO ARE THE TURKISH OR FOREIGN                       lawyer in Ankara did not meet my expectations. It wasn't
         JURISTS THAT YOU ADMIRE AS A JURIST                  compatible with my personality, and the earnings were
         AND WHOSE VIEWS INSPIRE YOU?                         insufficient to cover office expenses. Naturally, I discussed
                                                              these challenges with my father. One day, while my father
         Şakir Kaleli is my top choice. He is the most remarkable legal   was in Ankara, he introduced me to Nurettin Çarmıklı at
         figure I have ever known, both in theory and practice. From   Nurol. My father and Mr. Çarmıklı had been friends since
         him, I learned legal reasoning, philosophy, and the application   middle school in Ardahan, dating back to 1944-1945.
         of law. Many members of the Supreme Court proudly speak   Despite infrequent contact, their friendship endured over
         of having completed their judicial internships under Mr.   the years. Mr. Nurettin kindly helped my father by directing
         Kaleli. Personally, I had the honor of working alongside him   me to Mr.

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