Page 41 - World Of Nurol Magazine 35
P. 41


         THE GERMAN ADVANCED                                  362ND AMONG TÜRKİYE'S TOP
         CERAMICS PRODUCER                                    1000 EXPORTERS

         HOCHRHEIN (IKH) COMPANY                              Nurol Teknoloji continues to bolster its contributions to

                                                              Türkiye's economy and exports each year. As a testament
                                                              to this dedication, we secured the 362nd position in
         Nurol  Teknoloji,  a  global  leader  in  advanced  technical
                                                              Türkiye's Top 1000 Exporters ranking for 2022 made by
         ballistic ceramics manufacturing, has solidified its position
                                                              the Turkish Exporters Assembly.
         in advanced technical ceramic technologies by acquiring a
         majority stake in INDUSTRIEKERAMIK HOCHRHEIN (IKH), a
         German producer of ceramic raw materials.
                                                              GENDARMERIE AND
         IKH, which has been developing specialized products for
         many technology giants in the field of powder metallurgy   COAST GUARD ACADEMY
         and advanced technical ceramics for years, is a key player in   INTERNATIONAL SECURITY
         the advanced technical ceramics industry with its expertise in   CONGRESS
         ceramic technologies, innovative approach, and two modern
         production facilities in Germany.

         As  a  defense  industry  company  with  100  percent  Turkish   We took part in the Gendarmerie and Coast Guard
         capital, acquiring a German company that produces critical   Academy International Security Congress in Ankara on
         technology  marks  a  significant  milestone  for  our  sector.   September  28-29,  2023.  During  the  event,  which  drew
         We  believe  that  with  this  acquisition,  which  holds  great   military  and  civilian  officials  from  around  the  world,
         importance for the Turkish business world, Nurol Teknoloji   we showcased our domestically manufactured ballistic
         will not only enhance its leadership in the field of ballistic   protective products at our exhibition stand.
         ceramics but also emerge as a trailblazer in advanced
         technical ceramics required by the electronics industry and
         other technologically critical sectors worldwide.

         We  hope  that  this  strategic  acquisition  will  yield  benefits
         for our company, Nurol Holding Group, to which we are
         affiliated, as well as for the Turkish Defense Industry.

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