Page 33 - World Of Nurol Magazine 35
P. 33


         In the studies carried out with the District Directorate of   Within  the  scope  of  the  "Strawberry  Scented  Fields
         Agriculture, TÜMAD Mining examined the soil structure   Project" launched in 2021,  strawberry  producers have
         of the region with analyzes and upon determining the   produced  150  tons  since  the  first  day  we  started  the
         suitable growing environment for strawberry production,   project. With the project, the region has become the
         a strawberry cultivation training was opened by Havran   "Strawberry Region" and has made a great contribution
         Public Education and Havran Chamber of Agriculture, and   to the agricultural development of the district.
         at the end of the trainings given by master trainers, the
         trainees were given a strawberry cultivation certificate.

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