Page 82 - World Of Nurol Magazine-26
P. 82
The CBRN Reconnaissance Vehicle, produced as a prototype by FNSS, into the PARS 6x6 CBRN Reconnaissance Vehicle. This unit is available
was developed using the PARS 6x6 platform. The CBRN Reconnaissance for dismounted operations if required.
Vehicle has stand-off detection capability, radiation detection capability
and the capability to detect and identify Chemical Warfare Agents Biological Detection and Identification: The PARS 6x6 CBRN
(CWAs), Toxic Industrial Materials (TIMs) and Biological Warfare Agents Reconnaissance Vehicle is capable of continuous Biological Agent
(BWAs). Detection. If a potential biological agent is detected, a secondary
sample is taken for further analysis that is carried out within the fully
The CBRN collective protection system fitted to the PARS 6x6 provides integrated glove box designed to provide operator safety. Due to the
over pressure and an assisted breathing face mask system to the integrated design of the glove box, a variety of ground samples can be
vehicle. The collective protection system is designed in accordance with taken to the glove box via the sample handling mechanism for further
the NATO standard AEP - 54. analysis and identification.
The vehicle is fitted with a remote control stabilized weapon system Radiological and Nuclear Detection: Gamma radiation detectors are
on which a 40mm automatic grenade launcher, 12.7mm or 7.62mm integrated to the outside of the vehicle in order to alert the crew to
machine gun can be fitted in accordance with user requirements. the direction and level of the radiation hazard. The PARS 6x6 CBRN
Reconnaissance Vehicle is fitted with an internal radiation detection
PARS 6x6 CBRN Reconnaissance vehicle has been designed for a CBRN device and individual crew dosimeters for personnel protection and
Reconnaissance team of 4 personnel comprising driver, team / vehicle dose rate monitoring.
commander and two CBRN operators. An additional crew seat has been
included within the vehicle to improve operational capability and crew Manual Sampling and Contaminated Area Marking: The PARS 6x6
flexibility, particularly when taking and handling Chemical and Biological CBRN Reconnaissance Vehicle incorporates the Double Wheel Sampling
samples for further analysis. The PARS 6x6 CBRN Reconnaissance System which provides a continuous detection and identification
Vehicle can be designed using the PARS 8X8 configuration which is capability whilst on the move. Ground samples can be obtained by the
capable of incorporating a larger CBRN team and more equipment if operator safely from within the vehicle and can be stored outside the
required. vehicle prior to onward transportation and further laboratory analysis.
The integrated area marking system of the PARS 6x6 CBRN
Chemical Detection and Identification: The PARS 6x6 CBRN Reconnaissance Vehicle allows the operator to mark any contaminated
Reconnaissance vehicle is fitted with chemical detection units to area identified without having to leave the vehicle. The NATO standard
monitor continuously for the presence of Chemical Warfare Agents and ground marking flags are placed from within the vehicle using the
Toxic Industrial Materials both outside and inside of the vehicle. There interlocking delivery system which maintains vehicle over pressure and
is an additional device which is used for detection and classification of crew safety at all times.
solid or liquid samples within the glove box. This unit can be removed
from the vehicle for dismounted operations if required. The Central Processing Unit and CBRN Software: The CBRN detection
devices integrated into the PARS 6x6 CBRN Reconnaissance Vehicle are
The vehicle is equipped with a Stand-Off Detector which uses laser linked to the Warning and Reporting CBRN software in order to provide
technology and can detect up to a distance of 5km. real-time alarms and information of any potential CBRN threat. The
CBRN information gathered, when incorporated with the data received
A gas chromatograph and mass spectrometer (GC/MS) device for from the integrated meteorological device and GPS, can be transmitted
further detailed chemical analysis of a range of samples is integrated using the on board communication system, in accordance with ATP 45