Page 69 - World Of Nurol Magazine-23
P. 69
General Director of Sheraton Ankara Hotel
& Convention Centre and Lugal, a Luxury
Collection Hotel Ankara
We wish our General Director
Joerg U. LIMPER success in his
new position.
Sheraton Ankara Health Club skin to breathe by clearing up the of bringing the previous balance of
offers you with the opportunities pores and to have a shinier and lusty your body while you are relaxing at
to keep your fit or rejuvenate your look. the ergonomic lounge chairs and
out-of-form and exhausted body all find the chance to enjoy a healthy
together. How? Steam room; has a 5,4 square diet through the special menu that
meters area of usage and has four we prepared for you. Also you can
With its total of 655 square me- person capacity. Its ambient tem- watch television, read daily news-
ters fitness centre, special flooring perature ranges between 55 and 65 papers and magazines while you are
that is used in the NBA basketball oC and its’ rate of humidity is 95%. resting.
courts and glass ceiling, Health Club This atmosphere enables you to
provides 24 hours service to their sweat the toxins out of your body Tennis court; with its 558 square
guests. Natural sun light and high and to feel energetic and alive for a meters area of usage, is for those
ceiling energize the sports lovers long time. In addition, steam room who do not want to miss out the
purifies and softens your skin.
luxury of playing tennis in the mid-
during their exercises. The “Shera- dle of the city and in the open air…
ton Fitness Core Performance” pro- Jacuzzi; has a 2,5 square meters
gramme, in which all the Sheraton area of usage and is 0,80 meter Indoor pool; the depth of the
Hotels are included, is a program high from the floor. It provides you pool starts from 0,80 meter and
that minimizes the effects caused the opportunity to rest after your ends up at 1,50 meter and takes
by long flights, jet - lags, intense exercises or at the end of a tired and space of 180 square meters. Filtra-
work schedule and freshens your stressful day. tion, disinfection and temperature
mind and body. adjustment are made automati-
Shock shower room; consists of cally. Furthermore, the inside walls
Sauna; has a 13 square meters four high technology based showers of the pool are equipped with mas-
area of usage and made of ground in a 7,2 square meters area and re- sage pumps for your back and neck
cedar. It has six person capacity and freshes you after the sauna and the and there is a zephyr pool for the
is within the ambient temperature steam room. foot hygiene. In the relaxation area
range 75 – 85 oC and its’ rate of near the pool, there are 50 lounge
humidity is under 10%. This atmo- Relaxation area; after sauna, chairs, man / woman restrooms
sphere loosens your aching muscles Jacuzzi and steam room, you can and showers. Apart from that, for
with the penetrating heat while regain the vitamins and the min- our guests who want to tan in the
making you more relaxed and ac- erals that you lost with the fresh sun, there is a separate sunbath-
celerating your blood circulation. At fruit juices which you can have from ing terrace with 20 lounge chairs
the same time, sauna enables your the vitamin bar with the purpose capacity.