Page 61 - Annual Report 2019
P. 61

ÜMAD Mining Industry and Trade Inc. is the first Turkish   approval, complaints and feedbacks from the local public for
              company to receive two international project-financing   ensuring their support to the related activities. TÜMAD Mining
         T awards in the field of Natural Resources. It has completed   Industry and Trade Inc. that takes into account the employment
         the project finance process of $ 210 million and developing the   of local people  and local purchasing  while continuing its
         project refinancing process of $ 275 million with the European   activities; it has local employment rate of 60% across Ivrindi and
         Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).        70% across Lâpseki; and local purchasing rate of 27% across
                                                                Ivrindi and 16% across Lâpseki.
         TÜMAD Mining Industry and Trade Inc.  which was started
         mining activities in 2011, is a Turkish mining group that aims at   Ivrindi Project
         sustainable gold mining and it has enterprises, projects and
                                                                TÜMAD Mining Industry and Trade Inc. has started to İvrindi
         searches  on  precious  and  base  metals  with  its  mineral
                                                                Gold and Silver Mine Enrichment Project in İvrindi district of
         exploration licenses.
                                                                Balıkesir province in 2012. The Ivrindi project, which started after
         TÜMAD Mining Industry and Trade Inc. has set itself the goal of   the  investment  decision,  completed  basic  and  detailed
         sustaining  and  continuously  improving  the  highest  engineering works and construction and installation works and
         environmental, H&S and community relations performance in   also gold production started in August 2019. Ore is produced by
         the world in the processes of implementation and management   open pit method, will process heap leach facility that have 7.7
         of mining studies from searches to rehabilitation. By making   mton capacity. As of the end of 2019, 12,500 ounces of gold were
         advanced explorations in respect of nature, environment and   poured in the Ivrindi project.
         people without sacrificing its quality in potential mining sites,
                                                                Lâpseki Project
         TÜMAD is among the important gold producers of the country
         with  sustainable mining projects where  a large scale of   TÜMAD Mining Industry and Trade Inc. has been completed in
         economic and social development integrates with the    2016 the construction phase of the Lapseki Gold and Silver Mine
         environment.                                           Enrichment Project in Lapseki district of Çanakkale province and
                                                                started gold production in December 2017. In Lâpseki Plant,
         TÜMAD  Mining  Industry  and Trade  Inc.  with its all mining
                                                                which was commissioned in November 2017, mining activities
         facilities and projects have the best applicable Technologies
                                                                are ongoing in the Kestanelik and S pits. In addition to that, in
         since they have all national and international standards with all
                                                                2019, the underground mine quarry was commissioned and ore
         their components ranging from HSE, Environment, Community
                                                                production started. The ores from open pits and underground
         Relations, Quality and Integrated Management systems. In
         addition, TÜMAD’s quality system is certificated to TS EN ISO   pits are fed to the production facility and the plant operates at
                                                                full capacity. The capacity of the plant, which is 750.000 t/year
         9001: 2015 Quality Management System, TS EN ISO 14001: 2015
                                                                with tank leaching, will be increased by the optimizations. As of
         Environmental Management System and ISO 45001: 2018
                                                                the end of 2019, 120,000 ounces of gold were produced and the
         Occupational Health and Safety Management System
                                                                commissioning works were completed in the Lâpseki project.
         TÜMAD Mining Industry and Trade Inc. apart from Lapseki and
         İvrindi projects, it continues its Gold-Silver-Copper-Lead-Zinc
         exploration projects in internal field, primarily in  Western
         Anatolia and Black Sea Region, and external field.
                                                                 TUMAD MINING INDUSTRY AND TRADE INC. (Thousand TL)
         NI-43-101 Canadian standards with the feasibility of Ivrindi and
         Lâpseki projects,  TÜMAD Mining Industry and  Trade Inc.                         2017     2018    2019
         continues its activities. All works in our projects are carried out   TOTAL ASSETS  -   1.926.700 2.553.917
         in accordance with the cyanide code. Our company provide   SALES INCOME            -     269.955  686.690
         economic and social growth in areas where mining activities   EBITDA               -     147.644  384.378
         shall be carried out while preserving the nature with its local   (1) Figures are calculated from the consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS.
                                                                 (2) Tümad’s functional currency is US dollar.
         purchasing and local employment that based on mutual trust,   (3) Since the projects are in developing phase no material financial data is available before 2018
                                                                 (4) Lapseki and İvrindi gold mine projects have commenced their operations in 2018 and second half
         respect to values, open and clear communication, social   of 2019 respectively.

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