Awards to the 23 Turkish companies that are in the world league. Contractors Union of TURKEY President Erdal Eren while mentioning that construction is the number one sector needed to get out of the periods of crises taking place in the world, said:”Just as in the other places around the world, construction sector should be resuscitated by public initiatives.” An award ceremony was held at the Sheraton Hotel for the 23 Turkish contracting companies that made it to the “225 Biggest International Contracting Companies” published by “Engineering News Record”, an international construction sector magazine. Eren, in telling us about the point reached in the contracting services abroad he also underlined the fact that letters of guarantee continue to be the number one issue they have to deal with. Eren, while stressing the fact that they are not able to get “letters of guarantees” from the Turkish banks, he also drew attention to the fact that the contracts of 10 Turkish companies for the works which they won after bidding in Libya will be cancelled for the simple reason that they can not get letters of guarantee. The officials of the companies that made it to the list like NUROL, ENKA, GAMA, RENAISSANCE, TEKFEN, YÜKSEL, KAYI, BAYTUR, TAV, MAK-YOL, STFA, HAZİNEDAROĞLU, SUMMA, GAP, YENİGÜN, CENGİZ, RASEN, DOĞUŞ, ALARKO, MESA, YAŞAR ÖZKAN, TML and ÜSTAY received their plaques from the Prime Minister Erdoğan.