In Gebze-Izmir Highway Project, one of the most important infrastructure works of the world, the “South Approach Viaduct”; the construction of which is undertaken by Nurol İnşaat A.Ş. and Nurol Çelik A.Ş. ,is completed by breaking a world record by using 1123 meters of streak plate method for this 22.500 tons of steel structure, within a short period like 2 years.
A Turkish record is added to this world record on Sunday, the 5th of July; The 2.600 tons of heaviest final deck of the South Approach Viaduct almost as big as a stadium with its 124 meters length and 36 meters width and manufactured by using Turkish workmanship, is placed to a height of 57 meters and thus “The Biggest Heavy Lifting Operation of Turkey” is realized by Nurol.
09 July 2015