Erdal Eren, President of Turkey Contractors Union, said in his written statement that the the world’s 225 largest international construction firms were determined annually by the international construction industry sector magazine “Engineering News Record (ENR) and the study was conducted on basis of the income gained from the works abroad. Eren reported that the number of the Turkish construction companies in the list rose from 22 in 2007 to 23 in 2008. according to the information given by Eren, the Turkish Construction Companies according to ENR’s list are: “Nurol, Enka, Gama, Renaissance, Tekfen, Yuksel, Kayi, Baytur, TAV, Mak-Yol, STFA, Hazinedaroglu, Summa, GAP, Yenigun, Cengiz, Rasen, Dogus, Alarko, Mesa, Yasar Ozkan, TML, Ustay. According to the statement, Turkey is the in the third place of the list of the countries which have the higest number of construction companies.