Nurol İnsaat cares about the value of the projects it realizes in society and the system, and takes major steps day by day to ensure that this value is sustainable. In this sense, Nurol İnsaat signed the UN Global Compact (UNGC) in 2017 and became involved in the world’s most inclusive sustainability platform. The fourth of the Nurol YES Sustainability Report, which is prepared by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and reflects its performance about sustainability since 2018, was published on 5 June 2022, World Environment Day. Approach, policy, practice, performance, and targets regarding material issues had received in reporting. Nurol İnsaat adopts and implements sustainability as a business model at all stages, from its management style to its relations with its stakeholders. As an institution that develops every year by the principle of continuous improvement, leads change, respects human rights and ethical values, and has made all these a way of doing business, it walks towards its goals with a perspective that supports the field of sustainability.