It is difficult to strike a good paper every time in stock exchange. Unless you are on a ‘manipulation wagon’ by accident, your discovery of a stock that is already training for a rally depends on you being a very good analyst or your investment advisor having a really bright future ahead… Of course, there is another possibility not to be forgotten: The stock exchange may have receded to historically low levels and somebody may have persuaded you into buying any stock at this level. Considering these two possibilities, let’s say you are among the lucky investors of the first possibility, if you had bought Nurol GYO stocks worth 100 thousand TL on the last New Year’s Day, you would have earned at least half a million TL, because these stocks has been at a premium of exactly 436 percent since the New Year’s Day. Turning back the clock, if you had decided to buy a stock at the lower levels of the stock exchange on the New Year’s Day and totally ignored Nurol, the value of your money would have increased by 50 percent until today, even with a bank stock.