
By joining the “UN Global Compact,” the world's largest corporate sustainability platform in 2018, our Holding committed to align our strategy and operations with the Ten Principles encompassing human rights, the environment, labor standards, and anti-corruption, and to publicly report its progress every year.

Alongside its memberships in the “Association of Global Compact Signatories” and the “Business and Sustainable Development Council,” Nurol Holding signed the “Women's Empowerment Principles” in 2023, signifying its ongoing dedication to strengthening its commitments outlined in its sustainability roadmap.

The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)

Nurol Holding became a signatory of the Global Compact in 2018, which encompasses 10 principles focusing on human rights, labor standards, the environment, and anti-corruption, aligned with universally recognized United Nations declarations. Companies that have signed the United Nations Global Compact are expected to share their "Communication on Progress (CoP)" every year. Our company aligns strategies, policies, and procedures with the Global Compact Principles. Through our annual Communication on Progress reports, we consistently furnish stakeholders and the public with information, reaffirming our steadfast commitment to the Global Compact.

The Business and Sustainable Development Council (BCSD Türkiye)

Nurol Holding joined the Business and Sustainable Development Council (BCSD Türkiye) in 2022. This council, established in 2004 as the regional network of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in Türkiye, serves as a unified platform for businesses dedicated to sustainable development. It actively supports sustainable investments and projects that focus on the environment, economy, and society. At Nurol Group, we consider the BCSD as an effective platform where we share our sustainability practices, collaborate with other companies, and gain insights from their experiences.

Association of Global Compact Signatories

Nurol Holding joined the Association of Global Compact Signatories in 2023. Established by UN Global Compact Türkiye, a local network of UN Global Compact, the association held its inaugural General Assembly, electing its Board of Directors and Audit Board for the 2023-2026 term. It continues its efforts in alignment with the UN Global Compact's 10 principles and the Sustainable Development Goals.

United Nations Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs)

Nurol Holding became a signatory of the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) in 2023. These principles, a collaborative initiative of UN Women and the UN Global Compact, promote women's presence across all levels of economic life. Individuals and the organizations they are affiliated with are expected to act in this direction and take steps to improve their current practices. Nurol Holding, as a company pioneering and advocating for the advancement of women in business life, has committed to improving its practices in this field through its membership.

30% Club

Nurol Holding joined the 30% Club, initiated by Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum, in 2024. This initiative aims to increase the representation of women on boards and in senior management positions to 30%, ensuring that women have a greater voice in decision-making processes. Additionally, it contributes to fostering a more inclusive approach to governance in society, aligning with companies’ sustainability goals and projects.


Nurol Holding became a member of the Women Entrepreneurs Association of Türkiye (KAGİDER) to support women’s greater participation in social and economic life through entrepreneurship in 2024. Through this partnership, we aim to empower women to take on leading roles within the entrepreneurial ecosystem, strengthen their presence in the business world, and lead transformative initiatives. Aligned with our shared vision with KAGİDER, we are committed to prioritizing innovative projects that promote women’s entrepreneurship, advance gender equality, and foster lasting collaborations.