The first Turkish satellite to be used for military purposes will cost USD 200 millions, and will be commissioned for six years. In the meantime, it should be mentioned that the satellite will povide pictures needed by Turkey in several field of civilian activities like controlling of forest areas, monitoring illegal housing and settlement areas,
Turkish Contractors Union President Erdal Eren, a top position watcher, announced that there were 23 Turkish companies among the biggest 225 international contracting companies in the world in 2008. Noting that every year the biggest 225 international contracting companies are determined by an international construction sector magazine “Engineering News Record” (ENR), Eren also stated that
Fighting mines with walking fortresses will equip the Turkish Armed Forces with “Mine Resistant Ambush Protected MRAP” armored vehicles. The project comes in as a very important one from the perspective of the casualties inflicted on the Turkish Armed Forces by the detonating mines laid by the terror organization PKK. The purchasing of 468 of
It does not matter if 40 percent of the wealth of the richest families in Turkey based on the company shares quoted at the stock exchange got eaten away by it, the global crisis did not cause any major changes in the ranking of the richest 100 Turks. Nurettin Çarmıklı, Mustafa Koç, Aydın Doğan, Ömer
Photograph artist Ozan Sağdıç who left 55 years behind in his professional life, opened his fortieth personal exhibition at Nurol Art Gallery. Well-known people like the 9th President Süleyman Demirel, the former Minister of Justice Hikmet Sami Türk, and Nurol Holding Chairman of the Board Nurettin Çarmıklı were among the people who participated at the
The Mexican Festival which is hosted by the Sheraton Hotel and will last five days started with the opening evening. Shows by the Mexican music and dance groups add a lot of zest to the festival where Mexican food and drinks are being served.
Defense industry companies while intensifying their works in the recent years in order to meet Turkish Armed Forces’ needs, have also started to sell their original designs abroad. One of these companies, FNSS, has been selling its armored combat vehicle it manufactures according to the international standards to UAE, Malaysia, the Philippines and Saudi Arabia.
Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency’s decisions regarding Is Bank, Albaraka Turk Participation Bank, Akbank, Merrill Lynch Securities Co., a participation of Merrill Lynch, and Nurol Investment Bankch Investment Bank Co., GSD Investment Bank has been published in the Official Gazette’s 23.09.2008 issue. With this decision, the Agency authorizes Nurol Investment Bank Co. to buy and
Asya ile Avrupa’yı denizin altından bağlayacak Marmaray Projesi’nde son tüp tünel Ulaştırma Bakanı Binali Yıldırım’ın katılımıyla denize batırıldı. Bakan “2012’de Marmaray hizmete girecek” dedi. Sistemin toplam uzunluğu 13 bin 558 metre, su yüzeyinden derinliği ise 60 metre olan Marmaray, bu derinlikle “dünyanın en derin batırma tüneli” ünvanını da alacak.
The rich Gulf countries enriching even more with the increase in oil prices that have been experienced in the recent years, have also became the new favorite of Turkish exporters. The exports to the region has reached record levels. The level is estimated to have a value of approximately two trillion dollars of capital accumulation.