“Paçi-Bir Karadeniz Komedisi” (Paçi – A Black Sea Comedy) was staged for drama-lovers through the organization arranged by Bodrum Stage. Written by Burak Akyüz and directed by Kemal Başar, the play was a breeze from the Black Sea. The two-act comedy was performed at Nurol Cultural Centre by Erkan Can, Neslihan Yeldan, Murat Taşkent, Faruk
NUROL announced that it bought four real-estate properties belonging to Hürriyet Journalism and known as Hürriyet Media Towers for 127.5 million Dollars. According to the statement released to KAP by the company, 17.5 million Dollars of the aforementioned amount will be paid in cash at the time of deed transfer and the remaining amount will
Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan welded the first rail of the Marmaray Project by pressing the button of a machine in Ayrılıkçeşme. Emphasizing that Marmaray is not a project exclusive for Istanbul, but an intercontinental project, Erdoğan stated that 40 stations were constructed on Asian and European sides and said, “Out of the line of
FNSS initiated the certification process for “FNSS-Approved Suppliers” through certifying the suppliers who have demonstrated consistently high levels of performance as a projection of the sustainable quality management approach. FNSS presented the certificates to suppliers with a ceremony where FNSS also signed the “National Quality Movement Declaration of Goodwill” with Turkish Quality Association to confirm
For the construction of the largest highway project of Turkey, Otoyol Yatırım ve Işletme A.Ş. will put in equity capital of 1.1 billion Dollars, which will be followed by a bank loan. Stating that the discussions will be concluded in a few months, CEO of Otoyol Yatırım ve Işletme A.Ş., Yavuz Batum said, “The number
Defence companies with million-dollar signatures will now make their voices heard under one roof. 70 companies including FNSS, Roketsan and Aselsan will continue their exports worldwide under the title “Defence Industry Exporters’ Union”. Formerly situated under the roof of the Central Anatolian Machinery and Accessories Exporters’ Union, 70 companies that represent Turkey around the world
“Turkish Innovation Conference” organized at Haliç Congress Center under the auspices of Turkish Presidency and hosted by the Turkish Exporters’ Assembly (TIM) with the strategic partnership of Turkcell was initiated with a grand opening ceremony. The event will be held with the participation of important figures, each with a leading brand of the world in
The first step has been taken towards the realization of Ankara-Izmir High-Speed Train (HST) project, one of the 35 projects planned to be implemented by the Ministry of Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communications for Izmir. After years of discussions, studies and practical projects, Ankara-Izmir High-Speed Train project has not come to the construction stage. 26
1965-1968 yılları arasında Burhan Alkar’ın öğrencisi olan, her biri Türk resminin ayrı ekol ve tarzına sahip ressamları Vedat Can, Hayati Misman ve Hasan Pekmezci, hocalarıyla 50 yıllık dostluklarını Nurol Sanat Galerisi’nde açtıkları ortak bir sergiyle pekiştirdi.