Upon the income tax returns submitted in March, Erol Çarmıklı ranked no. two with a tax amount of 3 million 821 thousand 646 NTL over an revenue amount of 10 million 932 thousand 731 NTL whereas Oğuz Çarmıklı ranked no. three with a tax amount of 3 million 792 thousand NTL: Nurettin Çarmıklı took fourth
Mr. Bekir CUMURCU, our General Manager of Nurol Real Estate Investment Trust Co., has been elected the Chairman of the Board of GYODER (Real Estate Investment Trust Association) GYODER was established in 1999 by the representatives of then the existing and to be established real estate investent trusts (REIT) in Turkey in order to promote
Nurol Construction, as broadcast at ENR.com Web site (where all the domestic and out-of-the country projects are taken into consideration) ranked 1st in Turkey and 90th in the world at the World’s Largest Global Contractors List in 2006, and ( where out-of-the country projects are heavily taken into consideration) ranked 9th in Turkey and 127th