Nurol Technology who draws attention with nanotechnology applications and its infrastructure equipped with latest technology, took part in the International Iron-steel & Foundry Technology, Machinery and Products Trade Fair 2008 with its new brand “Potern” as an exhibitor. Nurol Technology’s new brand “Potern” host many domestic and foreign visitors and introduce ceramic foam, extruded, pressed
Fifth International Powder Metalurgy Conference is organized between 8th-12th October 2008 in our country with collaboration of Turkish Powder Metalurgy Association and TOBB ETU(Economy and Technoloji University).On the opening day , Nurol Technology host academicians and technical personnel came from different countries with a cocktail.The academicians who visited the modern facility of Nurol Technology also
Planlama ve Kurumsal İletişim Bölüm Başkanımız Sn. Meral CEYLAN’ın Topluluğumuz genelinde uygulanan “Parmak İzi Paylaşım Günleri” ve “Mutluluk Okulu” isimli kişisel gelişim eğitimlerinin tanıtımını ve hayata dair eğlenceli bakış açısınıadresinden inceleyebilirsiniz. You can review the presentation of personal improvement workshops titled “Finger Print Sharing Days” and “Happiness School” by Ms. Meral CEYLAN, Head of the